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IMFMediaTypeHandler::IsMediaTypeSupported Method

Queries whether the object supports a specified media type.


HRESULT IsMediaTypeSupported(
  [in]   IMFMediaType *pMediaType,
  [out]  IMFMediaType **ppMediaType


  • pMediaType [in]
    Pointer to the IMFMediaType interface of the media type to check.

  • ppMediaType [out]
    Receives a pointer to the IMFMediaType interface of the closest matching media type, or receives the value NULL. If non-NULL, the caller must release the interface. This parameter can be NULL. See Remarks.


The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Rückgabecode Beschreibung

The method succeeded.


The object does not support this media type.



If the object supports the media type given in pMediaType, the method returns S_OK. For a media source, it means the source can generate data that conforms to that media type. For a media sink, it means the sink can receive data that conforms to that media type. If the object does not support the media type, the method fails.

The ppMediaType parameter is optional. If the method fails, the object might use ppMediaType to return a media type that the object does support, and which closely matches the one given in pMediaType. The method is not guaranteed to return a media type in ppMediaType. If no type is returned, this parameter receives a NULL pointer. If the method succeeds, this parameter receives a NULL pointer. If the caller sets ppMediaType to NULL, this parameter is ignored.

This interface is available on the following platforms if the Windows Media Format 11 SDK redistributable components are installed:

  • Windows XP mit Service Pack 2 (SP2) und höher.
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 with KB900325 (Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005) and KB925766 (Oktober 2006 Updaterollup für Windows XP Media Center Edition) installed.

This interface is available on the following platforms if the Windows Media Format 11 SDK redistributable components are installed:

  • Windows XP mit SP2 und höher.
  • Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005 with KB900325 (Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005) and KB925766 (Oktober 2006 Updaterollup für Windows XP Media Center Edition) installed.


Mindestens unterstützter Client

Windows Vista

Mindestens unterstützter Server

Windows Server 2008





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