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IDomainManager<TData> Interface


Provides an abstraction for accessing a backend store for a TableController<TData>. The abstraction can be implemented in one of two ways depending on the capabilities of the backend store. Stores that support a IQueryable<T> -based model can implement the M:Query and M:Lookup methods whereas stores that don't support IQueryable directly or where it is not the preferred way of accessing them can implement the M:QueryAsync and M:LookupAsync methods.

Namespace:   Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Tables
Assembly:  Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Tables (in Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Tables.dll)


public interface IDomainManager<TData>
where TData : class, ITableData
generic<typename TData>
where TData : ref class, ITableData
public interface class IDomainManager
type IDomainManager<'TData when 'TData : not struct and ITableData> = interface end
Public Interface IDomainManager(Of TData As { Class, ITableData })

Type Parameters

  • TData


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubmethod DeleteAsync(String)

Deletes an existing item

System_CAPS_pubmethod InsertAsync(TData)

Inserts an item to the backend store.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Lookup(String)

Builds an IQueryable<T> to be executed against a store supporting IQueryable<T> for looking up a single item.

System_CAPS_pubmethod LookupAsync(String)

Looks up a single item in the backend store.

System_CAPS_pubmethod Query()

Builds an IQueryable<T> to be executed against a store supporting IQueryable<T> for querying data.

System_CAPS_pubmethod QueryAsync(ODataQueryOptions)

Executes the provided query against a store.

System_CAPS_pubmethod ReplaceAsync(String, TData)

Completely replaces an existing item.

System_CAPS_pubmethod UpdateAsync(String, Delta<TData>)

Updates an existing item by applying a Delta<TEntityType> patch to it. The Delta<TEntityType> abstraction keeps track of which properties have changed which avoids problems with default values and the like.

See Also

Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Mobile.Service.Tables Namespace

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