TypeConverter Hierarchy

The following table lists the classes derived from System.ComponentModel.TypeConverter .

Derived Classes

Class Description
System.ComponentModel.BaseNumberConverter Provides a base type converter for nonfloating-point numerical types.
System.ComponentModel.BooleanConverter Provides a type converter to convert Boolean objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.CharConverter Provides a type converter to convert Unicode character objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.CollectionConverter Provides a type converter to convert collection objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.CultureInfoConverter Provides a type converter to convert CultureInfo objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.DateTimeConverter Provides a type converter to convert DateTime objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.EnumConverter Provides a type converter to convert Enum objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.ExpandableObjectConverter Provides a type converter to convert expandable objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.GuidConverter Provides a type converter to convert Guid objects to and from various other representations.
System.ComponentModel.MultilineStringConverter Provides a type converter to convert multiline strings to a simple string.
System.ComponentModel.NullableConverter Provides automatic conversion between a nullable type and its underlying primitive type.
System.ComponentModel.ReferenceConverter Provides a type converter to convert object references to and from other representations.
System.ComponentModel.StringConverter Provides a type converter to convert string objects to and from other representations.
System.ComponentModel.TimeSpanConverter Provides a type converter to convert TimeSpan objects to and from other representations.
System.ComponentModel.TypeListConverter Provides a type converter that can be used to populate a list box with available types.
System.Configuration.ConfigurationConverterBase The base class for the configuration converter types.
System.Diagnostics.Design.LogConverter Provides the type converter for the EventLog.Log property.
System.Drawing.ColorConverter Converts colors from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
System.Drawing.FontConverter Converts Font objects from one data type to another.
System.Drawing.FontConverter.FontNameConverter FontConverter.FontNameConverter is a type converter that is used to convert a font name to and from various other representations.
System.Drawing.ImageConverter ImageConverter is a class that can be used to convert Image objects from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor object.
System.Drawing.ImageFormatConverter ImageFormatConverter is a class that can be used to convert colors from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor object.
System.Drawing.PointConverter Converts a Point object from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor object.
System.Drawing.RectangleConverter Converts rectangles from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor.
System.Drawing.SizeConverter The SizeConverter class is used to convert from one data type to another. Access this class through the TypeDescriptor object.
System.Drawing.SizeFConverter Converts SizeF objects from one type to another.
System.Resources.ResXFileRef.Converter Provides a type converter to convert data for a ResXFileRef to and from a string.
System.UriTypeConverter Converts a String type to a Uri type, and vice versa.
System.Web.Configuration.LowerCaseStringConverter Provides support to convert an object to a lowercase string. This class cannot be inherited.
System.Web.UI.Design.DataBindingCollectionConverter Provides a type converter for DataBindingCollection objects.
System.Web.UI.Design.DataColumnSelectionConverter Provides a type converter for a property representing the field name of a bound column field in a GridView control.
System.Web.UI.Design.DataFieldConverter Provides a type converter that can retrieve a list of data fields from the current component's selected data source.
System.Web.UI.Design.DataMemberConverter Provides a type converter that can retrieve a list of data members from the current component's selected data source.
System.Web.UI.Design.DataSourceConverter Provides a type converter that can retrieve a list of data sources accessible to the current component.
System.Web.UI.Design.DataSourceViewSchemaConverter Provides a type converter for a property representing a field in a data source schema.
System.Web.UI.Design.ExpressionsCollectionConverter Provides a type converter for expression binding collections.
System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Converters.DataFieldConverter Provides a design-time type converter for a component's data field properties.
System.Web.UI.Design.MobileControls.Converters.DataMemberConverter Provides a type converter for a property representing a data member in a data source.
System.Web.UI.Design.SkinIDTypeConverter Provides a list of valid skin IDs for a control at design time, based on the currently applicable theme.
System.Web.UI.Design.WebControls.DataSourceIDConverter Creates a user-selectable list of data source names.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FontNamesConverter Converts between a string containing a list of font names and an array of strings representing the individual names.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.FontUnitConverter Converts a FontUnit to a string. It also converts a string to a FontUnit.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.StringArrayConverter Provides a type converter to convert a string of comma-separated values to and from an array of strings.
System.Web.UI.WebControls.UnitConverter Converts from a Unit object to an object of another data type and from another type to a Unit object.
System.Windows.CornerRadiusConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a CornerRadius.
System.Windows.CultureInfoIetfLanguageTagConverter Converts instances of CultureInfo to and from other data types.
System.Windows.DialogResultConverter Converts the DialogResult property, which is a Nullable value of type Boolean, to and from other types.
System.Windows.DurationConverter Converts instances of Duration to and from other type representations.
System.Windows.DynamicResourceExtensionConverter Converts from parsed XAML to DynamicResourceExtension and supports dynamic resource references made from XAML.
System.Windows.ExpressionConverter This type supports the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
System.Windows.FigureLengthConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a FigureLength.
System.Windows.FontSizeConverter Converts font size values to and from other type representations.
System.Windows.FontStretchConverter Converts instances of FontStretch to and from other type representations.
System.Windows.FontStyleConverter Converts instances of FontStyle to and from other data types.
System.Windows.FontWeightConverter Converts instances of FontWeight to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Forms.AxHost.StateConverter Converts AxHost.State objects from one data type to another.
System.Windows.Forms.CursorConverter Provides a type converter to convert Cursor objects to and from various other representations.
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridPreferredColumnWidthTypeConverter Converts the value of an object to a different data type.
System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellStyleConverter Converts DataGridViewCellStyle objects to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Forms.KeysConverter Provides a TypeConverter to convert Keys objects to and from other representations.
System.Windows.Forms.Layout.TableLayoutSettingsTypeConverter Provides a unified way of converting types of values to other types, as well as for accessing standard values and subproperties.
System.Windows.Forms.LinkArea.LinkAreaConverter Provides a type converter to convert LinkArea.LinkAreaConverter objects to and from various other representations.
System.Windows.Forms.LinkConverter Provides a type converter for LinkLabel.Link objects.
System.Windows.Forms.ListBindingConverter Provides a type converter to convert Binding objects to and from various other representations.
System.Windows.Forms.OpacityConverter Provides a type converter to convert opacity values to and from a string.
System.Windows.Forms.PaddingConverter Provides a type converter to convert Padding values to and from various other representations.
System.Windows.Forms.SelectionRangeConverter Provides a type converter to convert SelectionRange objects to and from various other types.
System.Windows.Forms.TreeNodeConverter Provides a type converter to convert TreeNode objects to and from various other representations.
System.Windows.GridLengthConverter Converts instances of other types to and from GridLength instances.
System.Windows.Input.CommandConverter Converts an ICommand object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Input.CursorConverter Converts a Cursor object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Input.InputScopeConverter Provides facilities for converting between InputScope objects and strings.
System.Windows.Input.InputScopeNameConverter Converts instances of InputScopeName to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Input.KeyConverter Converts a Key object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Input.KeyGestureConverter Converts a KeyGesture object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Input.ModifierKeysConverter Converts a ModifierKeys object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Input.MouseActionConverter Converts a MouseAction object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Input.MouseGestureConverter Converts a MouseGesture object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Int32RectConverter Converts instances of other types to and from an Int32Rect.
System.Windows.KeySplineConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a KeySpline.
System.Windows.KeyTimeConverter Converts instances of KeyTime to and from other types.
System.Windows.LengthConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of a Double that represent an object's length.
System.Windows.Markup.DependencyPropertyConverter Converts a DependencyProperty object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Markup.RoutedEventConverter Converts a RoutedEvent object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Markup.TemplateKeyConverter Converts a TemplateKey object to and from other types.
System.Windows.Markup.XmlLanguageConverter Provides type conversion for the XmlLanguage class.
System.Windows.Media.Animation.RepeatBehaviorConverter Converts instances of RepeatBehavior to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Media.BrushConverter Used to convert a Brush object to or from another object type.
System.Windows.Media.ColorConverter Converts instances of other types to and from an instance of Color.
System.Windows.Media.Converters.BaseIListConverter Defines methods used to convert IList collection members to and from instances of String.
System.Windows.Media.DoubleCollectionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a DoubleCollection.
System.Windows.Media.FontFamilyConverter Converts instances of the String type to and from FontFamily instances.
System.Windows.Media.GeometryConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Geometry.
System.Windows.Media.ImageSourceConverter Converts a ImageSource to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Media.Int32CollectionConverter Converts an Int32Collection to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Media.MatrixConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Matrix.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Matrix3DConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Matrix3D.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DCollectionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from Point3DCollection instances.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point3DConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Point3D structure.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Point4DConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Point4D structure.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.QuaternionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Quaternion.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Rect3DConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Rect3D.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Size3DConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Size3D structure.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DCollectionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Vector3DCollection.
System.Windows.Media.Media3D.Vector3DConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Vector3D structure.
System.Windows.Media.PathFigureCollectionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a PathFigureCollection.
System.Windows.Media.PixelFormatConverter Converts a PixelFormat to and from other data types.
System.Windows.Media.PointCollectionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a PointCollection.
System.Windows.Media.TransformConverter Converts a Transform object to or from another object type.
System.Windows.Media.VectorCollectionConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a VectorCollection.
System.Windows.PointConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Point.
System.Windows.PropertyPathConverter Provides a type converter for PropertyPath objects.
System.Windows.RectConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Rect.
System.Windows.SizeConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of the Size class. This class cannot be inherited.
System.Windows.StrokeCollectionConverter Converts a StrokeCollection to a string.
System.Windows.TemplateBindingExpressionConverter A type converter that is used to construct a markup extension from a TemplateBindingExpression instance during serialization.
System.Windows.TemplateBindingExtensionConverter A type converter that is used to construct a TemplateBindingExtension from an instance during serialization.
System.Windows.TextDecorationCollectionConverter Converts instances of TextDecorationCollection from other data types.
System.Windows.ThicknessConverter Converts instances of other types to and from instances of Thickness.
System.Windows.VectorConverter Converts instances of other types to and from a Vector.
System.Workflow.ComponentModel.Design.ActivityBindTypeConverter Provides a type converter to convert ActivityBind classes to and from various other representations.

See Also


TypeConverter Class
TypeConverter Members
System.ComponentModel Namespace