CalendarExceptionCreationInformation properties

The CalendarExceptionCreationInformation type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property Finish Gets or sets the date and time that the calendar exception ends.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name given for the calendar exception, such as Vacation.
Public property RecurrenceDays Gets or sets a mask that represents the days of the week on which the calendar exception is effective.
Public property RecurrenceFrequency Gets or sets the interval at which the calendar exception occurs.
Public property RecurrenceMonth Gets or sets the month when setting a yearly recurrence.
Public property RecurrenceMonthDay Gets or sets the day of the month when setting a yearly recurrence.
Public property RecurrenceType Gets or sets the recurrence type for the calendar exception.
Public property RecurrenceWeek Gets or sets the week number of a monthly occurrence.
Public property Shift1Finish Gets or sets the minute of the day that the first shift ends.
Public property Shift1Start Gets or sets the minute of the day that the first shift starts.
Public property Shift2Finish Gets or sets the minute of the day that the second shift ends.
Public property Shift2Start Gets or sets the minute of the day that the second shift starts.
Public property Shift3Finish Gets or sets the minute of the day that the third shift ends.
Public property Shift3Start Gets or sets the minute of the day that the third shift starts.
Public property Shift4Finish Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fourth shift ends.
Public property Shift4Start Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fourth shift starts.
Public property Shift5Finish Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fifth shift ends.
Public property Shift5Start Gets or sets the minute of the day that the fifth shift starts.
Public property Start Gets or sets the date and time that the calendar exception starts.
Public property TypeId (Inherited from ClientValueObject.)


See also


CalendarExceptionCreationInformation class

Microsoft.ProjectServer.Client namespace