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Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | VBA | Visual Studio

Shows a modal dialog box to collect information from the user. This entry point is called when a user clicks the Options button next to the Cluster type box for the selected cluster connector in the Excel Options dialog box (in the Advanced category under the Formulas section). Cluster connectors are responsible for implementing their own options dialog interface and for storing the related data in the registry or elsewhere. The options are internal to the cluster connector. Excel is not aware of them.

int ShowOptions(HWND hWndParent)


  • hWndParent
    A handle to the Excel window.

Return Value

xlHpcRetSuccess if the dialog box was shown; xlHpcRetCallFailed if it was not shown.


Cluster connectors can use this dialog box to get information, such as what cluster server to use, from the user.

See Also


Excel Cluster Connector Functions