PageSize Properties (Publisher)


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Returns an Application object that represents the creator of the parent PageSize object. Read-only.


Returns True if the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object has a background image. Read-only.


Returns a Variant that represents the distance between the right edge of one publication page and left edge of the next publication page in the same row in the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object when multiple pages are printed on one sheet of printer paper. Read-only.


Specifies the distance between the left edge of the printer sheet and the top edge of the publication page in the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object. Read-only.


Returns the name of the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object. Read-only.


Gets or sets the page height of the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object. Read/write.


Gets or sets the page width of the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object. Read/write.


Returns the parent of the PageSize object. Read-only.


Specifies the distance between the top edge of the printer sheet and the top edge of the publication page for the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object. Read-only.


Returns a Variant that represents the distance in points between the bottom edge of one publication page and top edge of the publication page immediately below it for the blank page size represented by the parent PageSize object. This property applies only when multiple pages are printed on a single sheet of printer paper. Read-only.