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forEach and presOf Attributes

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The axis determines how to navigate through the data model, setting the context node as it moves. The context node always begins with the root element of the data model. Generally, the following axis values are used in SmartArt graphic layouts.

Axis value



The layout node has no mapping to the data model. It is only a layout. This is the default, so an empty <presOf /> tag will accomplish the same thing.


The layout node maps to the current data point.


The layout node can map to the child elements of the current data point but not to descendants lower in the hierarchy.


The layout node can map to the descendants of the data point.


The layout node can map to the current data point and all of its descendents.

ch ch

The layout node can map to second-level child elements of the current data point but not to descendants lower in the hierarchy.

ptType Attribute Values

ptType value



Use all data points, both nodes and transitions.


Use only data nodes. These are the text strings that the user enters in the text pane.


Use only sibling transitions between data nodes. These transitions represent sibling relationships between nodes and are frequently mapped to arrows between shapes in the drawing. A sibTrans value is sometimes used to create white space between nodes.


Use only parent transitions between nodes. Parent transitions are similar to sibling transitions, except that they represent parent/child relationships. Parent transitions are most commonly used in hierarchy diagrams, such as organization charts, to draw lines between parent and child nodes.

node node

Specifies data nodes that are child nodes of other data nodes.

The st (start) attribute indicates which item in the returned set to select first. The default value for this attribute is 1; therefore, it is often omitted.

The cnt (count) attribute indicates how many items in the returned set to select. The default value for this attribute is 0, which selects all items.

The hideLastTrans attribute is a flag that determines whether the last sibling transition in the returned set is filtered out of the set. The default value for this attribute is true but, in some cases such as cycle diagrams, you may want to set it to false.

See Also


SmartArt Reference