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Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | VBA | Visual Studio

Framework library functions that create a temporary XLOPER/XLOPER12 containing an external reference to an entire row on the active sheet.

LPXLOPER TempActiveRow(WORD row);
LPXLOPER12 TempActiveRow12(ROW row);



The row to be referenced. Row arguments are zero-based so that row 1 is passed as 0. In Microsoft Office Excel 2003 and earlier versions, and starting in Excel 2007 running a workbook in compatibility mode, the maximum value is 65,535 = 2^16 - 1 and is the maximum value that can be taken by a WORD integer. Starting in Excel 2007 running a workbook, the maximum value is 1,048,575 = 2^20 - 1. RW is defined as a 32-bit signed integer in XLCALL.H.

Return Value

Returns an xltypeRef external reference to row cells passed in.


This example uses the TempActiveRow12 function to select row 113.


short WINAPI TempActiveRowExample(void)
   Excel12f(xlcSelect, 0, 1, TempActiveRow12(112));
   return 1;

See Also


Functions in the Framework Library