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xlfRegister (Form 2)

Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | VBA | Visual Studio

Can be called from a DLL or XLL command that has itself been called by Microsoft Excel. This is equivalent to calling REGISTER from an Excel XLM macro sheet.

The xlfRegister function can be called in two forms:

  • xlfRegister (Form 1): Registers an individual command or function.

  • xlfRegister (Form 2): Loads and activates an XLL.

Called in Form 2, this function can only be used to load and activate an XLL containing an xlAutoOpen procedure.

Excel12(xlfRegister, LPXLOPER12 pxRes, 1, LPXLOPER12 pxModuleText);


pxModuleText (xltypeStr)

The name of the DLL to be loaded and activated.

Property Value/Return Value

If successful, this returns the name of the DLL (xltypeStr). Otherwise it returns a #VALUE! error.

See Also


Essential and Useful C API XLM Functions