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Applies to: Excel 2010 | Office 2010 | VBA | Visual Studio

Installs ExcelCursorProc so that it is called before the Microsoft Excel main WndProc.

extern void FAR PASCAL HookExcelWindow(HANDLE hWndExcel);


hWndExcel (HANDLE)

The Excel main Windows handle.

Property Value/Return Value

The function does not return a value.


The function obtains the address of the Excel WndProc through the use of GetWindowLong(). It stores this value in a global that can be used to call the default WndProc and also to restore it. Finally, it replaces this address with the address of ExcelCursorProc using SetWindowLong().


See \SAMPLES\GENERIC\GENERIC.C for the source code for this function.

See Also


Functions in the Generic DLL