BaseTableOfContentsDataSourceView properties

The BaseTableOfContentsDataSourceView type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property AnchorWeb Gets or sets the URL from which to start gathering data.
Public property HeaderTemplate Gets or sets the style to use to display the header text. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Public property HeaderText Gets or sets the text to display as a header above the contents of the data. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Public property IncludeContentFromStartingLocation Gets or sets a value that indicates whether to include the current site map node as the root site map node in the site map view.
Public property Level1StyleTemplate Gets or sets the style to use to display items in the first level. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Public property Level2StyleTemplate Gets or sets the style to use to display items in the second level. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Public property Level3StyleTemplate Gets or sets the style to use to display items in the third level. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Public property NumColumns Gets or sets the number of columns used to render Levels. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Public property NumLevels Gets or sets the number of levels for which to get data. (Inherited from LevelHierarchyDataSourceView.)
Protected property Provider Gets the current SiteMapProvider object.
Protected property SiteMapNodeUrl Gets a string value indicating whether to include contents from the starting location.


See also


BaseTableOfContentsDataSourceView class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.WebControls namespace