SPHealthReportCreationData properties

The SPHealthReportCreationData type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ColumnNames Gets or sets the column names to use in the report.
Public property IsStoreProcedure Gets or sets a Boolean value that indicates if the query is a stored procedure.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of the report.
Public property Query Gets or sets the SQL select statement or stored procedure used to generate the report.
Public property RowLimit Gets or sets the upper limit for the number of rows returned for the report.
Public property SupportLogTime Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the query supports @StartTime and @EndTime parameters that indicate the range of the log time.
Public property SupportMachineName Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the query supports the @MachineName parameter that identifies the server in the farm.
Public property SupportMaxRows Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the query supports the @MaxRows parameter that indicates the maximum number of rows to return.
Public property SupportSelectWebApplication Gets or sets a Boolean value indicating whether the query supports the @WebApplicationId parameter representing the GUID for a Web Application.
Public property UpgradedPersistedProperties Gets the collection of field names and values for fields that were deleted or changed. (Inherited from SPAutoSerializingObject.)


See also


SPHealthReportCreationData class

Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration namespace