ManagedPropertyInfo members

Represents information about a managed property in the SharePoint Server search.

The ManagedPropertyInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method ManagedPropertyInfo Initializes a new instance of the ManagedPropertyInfo class.



  Name Description
Public property Aliases Gets whether this managed property will only be mapped from the single crawled property with the lowest mapping order, or from all mapped crawled properties.
Public property CompanyExtraction Gets or sets whether companies should be extracted from this managed property.
Public property CompleteMatching Gets or sets whether values for this managed property go through a word breaker.
Public property Context Gets or sets the context group this managed property should be ranked in.
Public property DeleteDisallowed Gets whether this managed property can be deleted.
Public property Description Gets or sets a text description for this managed property.
Public property EnabledForScoping Gets or sets Boolean value that indicates whether the managed property is available for defining search scopes.
Public property EntityExtractorBitMap Gets or sets which entities should be enabled for extraction from this managed property.
Public property FullTextIndex Gets or sets the name of the full-text index catalog this managed property is indexed in.
Public property HasMultipleValues Gets or sets a whether this managed property contains multiple values.
Public property IndexOptions Gets or sets the index options for this managed property.
Public property IsReadOnly Gets or sets whether this managed property is read only.
Public property ManagedType Gets or sets the data type of the managed property.
Public property MappedCrawledProperties Gets the list of crawled properties mapped to this managed property.
Public property MappingDisallowed Gets or sets whether a crawled property can be mapped to this managed property.
Public property Name Gets or sets the name of this object. (Inherited from BaseInfo.)
Public property Pid Gets or sets the identifier (ID) of the managed property.
Public property Queryable Gets or sets whether this managed property can be queried with a scoped query.
Public property Refinable Gets or sets whether this managed property has refiners enabled.
Public property RefinerConfiguration Gets or sets the refiner configuration of this managed property.
Public property RemoveDuplicates Gets or sets whether this managed property receives multiple values if there are duplicates.
Public property RespectPriority Gets whether this managed property will only be mapped from the single crawled property with the lowest mapping order, or from all mapped crawled properties.
Public property Retrievable Gets or sets a whether this managed property value is retrievable.
Public property SafeForAnonymous Gets or sets whether this managed property is Safe For Anonymous.
Public property Searchable Gets or sets whether this managed property should end up in the full text index.
Public property Sortable Gets or sets whether this managed property can be sorted.
Public property SortableType Gets or sets the type of sort info created for this managed property.
Public property TokenNormalization Gets or sets whether the characters in this managed property are to be normalized.
Public property UpdateGroup Gets or sets the name of the update group of this managed property.
Public property WordExactExtractionCustom Gets or sets the WordExactExtractionCustom bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordExtractionCustom1 Gets or sets the WordExtractionCustom1 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordExtractionCustom2 Gets or sets the WordExtractionCustom2 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordExtractionCustom3 Gets or sets the WordExtractionCustom3 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordExtractionCustom4 Gets or sets the WordExtractionCustom4 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordExtractionCustom5 Gets or sets the WordExtractionCustom5 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordPartExactExtractionCustom Gets or sets the WordPartExactExtractionCustom bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordPartExtractionCustom1 Gets or sets the WordPartExtractionCustom1 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordPartExtractionCustom2 Gets or sets the WordPartExtractionCustom2 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordPartExtractionCustom3 Gets or sets the WordPartExtractionCustom3 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordPartExtractionCustom4 Gets or sets the WordPartExtractionCustom4 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.
Public property WordPartExtractionCustom5 Gets or sets the WordPartExtractionCustom5 bit in the EntityExtractorBitMap of this managed property.



  Name Description
Public method Equals(Object) Determines whether this object is equal to the specified object. (Overrides Object.Equals(Object).)
Public method Equals(ManagedPropertyInfo) Determines whether this object is considered equal to another ManagedPropertyInfo object.
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode Computes the hash code for this object. (Overrides Object.GetHashCode().)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Public method HasChangedOverridden Checks if one or more attributes of an overridden property have changed.
Public method HasChangedOwned Checks if one or more attributes of an owned property have changed.
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


ManagedPropertyInfo class

Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration namespace