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ISearchParameters2 members

The members of this namespace or class are reserved for internal use and are not intended to be used directly from your code.

The ISearchParameters2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public property ContextualScopePath Gets the search scope path.
Public property ContextualScopeUrl Gets or sets the search query parameter specified as the URL to limit the search results. (Inherited from ISearchParameters.)
Public property EnableStemming Gets or sets a search query parameter that specifies whether word stemming is enabled for the search query that is being performed. (Inherited from ISearchParameters.)
Public property KeywordQuery Gets or sets the search query string provided to the search provider to perform the search. (Inherited from ISearchParameters.)
Public property NoiseIgnored Gets or sets the query parameter that specifies if the noise words should be ignored from the search query. (Inherited from ISearchParameters.)
Public property Scope Gets or sets the search query parameter specified as the Scope for performing search. (Inherited from ISearchParameters.)
Public property TrimDuplicates Gets or sets a search query parameter that specifies whether the duplicate search results should be trimmed. (Inherited from ISearchParameters.)


See also


ISearchParameters2 interface

Microsoft.Office.RecordsManagement.SearchAndProcess namespace