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PSContextInfo members

Contains Project Server context information for user identity, Project Web App site, and preferred culture.

The PSContextInfo type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method PSContextInfo() Creates an empty PSContextInfo object, for use with Microsoft Visual C# initialization syntax.
Public method PSContextInfo(Boolean, String, Guid, Guid, Guid, String) Obsolete. This constructor exists for Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 backward compatibility. Use a constructor that enables the language and locale culture to be specified.
Public method PSContextInfo(Boolean, String, Guid, Guid, Guid, CultureInfo, CultureInfo) Obsolete. This constructor exists for Project Server 2013 backward compatibility. Creates a PSContextInfo object that includes language and locale culture information.
Public method PSContextInfo(Boolean, String, Guid, Guid, Guid, Int32, String) Obsolete. This constructor exists for Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 backward compatibility. Use a constructor that enables the language and locale culture to be specified.
Public method PSContextInfo(Boolean, String, Guid, Guid, Guid, CultureInfo, CultureInfo, Guid, String) Obsolete. This constructor exists for Project Server 2013 backward compatibility. Creates a PSContextInfo object that includes language and locale culture information, and specifies a user delegate.
Public method PSContextInfo(Boolean, String, Guid, Guid, Guid, Int32, CultureInfo, CultureInfo, Guid, String)



  Name Description
Public property DelegateGuid Gets or sets the GUID of the user delegate, when delegation is active.
Public property DelegateName Gets or sets the name of the user delegate, when delegation is active.
Public property IsWindowsUser Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the current user is a Windows user (as opposed to a Forms user).
Public property LanguageCulture Gets or sets information about the language culture of the Project Web App instance.
Public property LanguageCultureName Gets or sets the name of the language culture.
Public property Lcid Obsolete. Gets or sets the language code ID. Use LanguageCulture or LocaleCulture instead.
Public property LocaleCulture Gets or sets information about the locale of the Project Web App instance.
Public property LocaleCultureName Gets or sets the name of the locale culture.
Public property SiteGuid Gets or sets the GUID of the Project Web App site.
Public property SiteVersion Obsolete. Gets or sets the version of the Project Web App site.
Public property TrackingGuid Gets or sets the GUID for tracking the Project Server queue job.
Public property UlsCorrelationUid Gets or sets the ULS correlation GUID.
Public property UrlZone Gets or sets the URL zone for authentication.
Public property UserGuid Gets or sets the GUID of the Project Server user.
Public property UserName Gets or sets the name of the Project Server user.



  Name Description
Public methodStatic member DeserializeFromString Creates a PSContextInfo object from a string.
Public method Equals (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method Finalize (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetHashCode (Inherited from Object.)
Public method GetType (Inherited from Object.)
Protected method MemberwiseClone (Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic member SerializeToString Serializes a PSContextInfo object to a string.
Public method ToString (Inherited from Object.)


See also


PSContextInfo class

Microsoft.Office.Project.Server.Library namespace