How to: Create a side-by-side endpoint in Lync SDK

Learn how to create a side-by-side Microsoft Lync 2013

Applies to: Lync 2013 | Lync Server 2013

In this article
Creating a side-by-side endpoint
Example: StartUpLync
Additional resources


The prerequisites for creating a side-by-side endpoint are as follows:

  • Microsoft Lync 2013 must be installed and running on the development computer.

  • You must have sign-in credentials for Lync 2013.

  • Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK must be installed on the development computer.

Core concepts to know

The following topic explains how side-by-side endpoints work in Lync 2013.



Lync endpoint types

Learn about writing a Microsoft Lync 2013 SDK enabled application that uses a side-by-side LyncClient object to sign in to Microsoft Lync 2013.

Creating a side-by-side endpoint

Creating a side-by-side endpoint is a one step process that involves calling the static LyncClient.GetClient method, except that you pass a boolean true value in the method if you want a side-by-side endpoint. If you do not provide an argument to this method, the default argument value of false is passed and a standard Lync endpoint is created.


The Microsoft.Lync.Model.LyncClient object that is returned as a side-by-side endpoint has the same features and is programmed in the same way as a standard UI suppressed client endpoint. Be sure to initialize the endpoint and sign the user in just as you would do so with a standard UI suppressed endpoint.

To create a side-by-side endpoint

  • Call the static LyncClient.GetClient method. An object of the Microsoft.Lync.Model.LyncClient is returned.

    //If sideBySide == false, a standard endpoint is created
     //Otherwise, a side-by-side endpoint is created
     LyncClient _LyncClient = LyncClient.GetClient(sideBySide);

Example: StartUpLync

The following example creates a standard endpoint or a side-by-side endpoint and then if Lync 2013 is in UI suppression mode, initializes the obtained endpoint.

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the Lync client, initializes if in UI suppression, and 
        /// starts the user sign in process
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sideBySide">boolean. Specifies endpoint mode</param> 
        private void StartUpLync(Boolean sideBySide)
            //Calling GetClient a second time in a running process will
            //return the previously cached client. For example, calling GetClient(boolean sideBySideFlag)
            // the first time in a process returns a new endpoint.  Calling the method a second
            //time returns the original endpoint. If you call GetClient(false) to get a client 
            //endpoint and then GetClient(true), the original client enpoint is returned even though
            // a true value argument is passed with the second call.
            if (_LyncClient == null)
                //If sideBySide == false, a standard endpoint is created
                //Otherwise, a side-by-side endpoint is created
                _LyncClient = LyncClient.GetClient(sideBySide);

                if (_LyncClient.InSuppressedMode)
                    ClientDisplayMode_Label.Text = "UI suppression enabled";
                    ClientDisplayMode_Label.Text = "UI suppression disabled";

                //Display the current state of the Lync client.
                ClientStateString_Label.Text = _LyncClient.State.ToString();

                //Register for the three Lync client events needed so that application is notified when:
                // * Lync client signs in or out
                // * A new conversation is added (remotely via invite or locally by user)
                // * A conversation is removed (conversation ends)
                _LyncClient.StateChanged += _LyncClient_StateChanged;
                _LyncClient.ConversationManager.ConversationAdded += ConversationManager_ConversationAdded;
                _LyncClient.ConversationManager.ConversationRemoved += ConversationManager_ConversationRemoved;
                _LyncClient.SignInDelayed += _LyncClient_SignInDelayed;
                _LyncClient.CredentialRequested += _LyncClient_CredentialRequested;

                //Client state of uninitialized means that Lync is configured for UI suppression mode and
                //must be initialized before a user can sign in to Lync
                if (_LyncClient.State == ClientState.Uninitialized)
                        (ar) =>
                            _thisProcessInitializedLync = true;

                //If the Lync client is signed out, sign into the Lync client
                else if (_LyncClient.State == ClientState.SignedOut)

            catch (NotInitializedException)
                MessageBox.Show("Client is not initialized.  Closing form", "Lync Client Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
            catch (ClientNotFoundException)
                MessageBox.Show("Client is not running.  Closing form", "Lync Client Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);
            catch (Exception exc)
                MessageBox.Show("General exception: " + exc.Message, "Lync Client Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Hand);

Next steps

After you have created either a standard or side-by-side Lync endpoint, you're ready to take the next step.

See also