Sample Tasks Using the Outlook 2007 PIA

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This section contains code samples in Visual Basic and C# that demonstrate how to perform certain tasks in Outlook. To run these code samples, you must have installed , the Outlook 2007 Primary Interop Assembly (PIA), and Microsoft Visual Studio 2005.

Although the samples in this section do not assume that you have installed Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for the 2007 Microsoft Office System Second Edition, the Visual Studio Tools for Office portal on MSDN includes some basic how-to tasks written in managed code. For information about these basic tasks, see Developing Outlook Applications. Code samples in this section range from the beginner to the intermediate levels and are adapted from the book Programming Applications for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007.

In This Section

The following code samples manage Outlook's built-in item types:

The following code samples demonstrate how to work with different types of Outlook data:

The following code samples work with Outlook's address books and recipients:

The following code samples show how to use various query languages to search Outlook data:

The following code samples demonstrate sharing various information with other users:

See Also

Other Resources

Programming Applications for Microsoft Office Outlook 2007