IFsrmClassificationManager::CreateModuleDefinition method (fsrmpipeline.h)

[This method is supported for compatibility but it's recommended to use the FSRM WMI Classes to manage FSRM. Please see the MSFT_FSRMClassification class.]

Creates a module definition of the specified type.


HRESULT CreateModuleDefinition(
  [in]  FsrmPipelineModuleType        moduleType,
  [out] IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition **moduleDefinition


[in] moduleType

The type of module to create (for example, a classifier or storage module). For possible types, see the FsrmPipelineModuleType enumeration.

[out] moduleDefinition

An IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition interface to the new module definition. Query the IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition interface to get the interface for the specified module. For example, if moduleType is FsrmPipelineModuleType_Classifier, query the IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition interface for the IFsrmClassifierModuleDefinition interface.

To save the module definition, call IFsrmPipelineModuleDefinition::Commit method.

Return value

The method returns the following return values.


There is no limit to the number of modules that you can define.

In addition to defining the module with FSRM, you must also register the class with COM. This needs to be a registration of a COM class that implements IFsrmClassifierModuleImplementation or IFsrmStorageModuleImplementation, depending on the type of module.

FSRM provides the following built-in classifiers: the Folder Classifier and the Content Classifier. The Folder Classifier classifies files based on the folder in which they are stored. The Content Classifier classifies by searching for strings and regular expressions in the file using Windows text extraction methods.

FSRM provides the following three built-in storage modules:

  • System Cache Storage Module—stores properties in an NTFS Alternate Data Stream cache.
  • Office 97 - 2003 In-File Storage Module—stores properties within a Microsoft Office 97 - 2003 file.
  • Office 2007 In-File Storage Module—stores properties within a Microsoft Office 2007 (or later) file.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client None supported
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 R2
Target Platform Windows
Header fsrmpipeline.h (include FsrmPipeline.h, FsrmTlb.h)
DLL SrmSvc.dll

See also








