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WebSingleBlockTextImport Property [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

True if data from the HTML <PRE> tags in the specified Web page is processed all at once when you import the page into a query table. False if the data is imported in blocks of contiguous rows so that header rows will be recognized as such. The default value is False. Read/write Boolean.


Use this property only when the query table's QueryType property is set to xlWebQuery and the query returns an HTML document.


This example adds a new Web query table to the first worksheet in the first workbook and and then imports all of the HTML <PRE> tag data all at once.

Set shFirstQtr = Workbooks(1).Worksheets(1) 
Set qtQtrResults = shFirstQtr.QueryTables _
    .Add(Connection := "URL;http://datasvr/98q1/19980331.htm", _
        Destination := shFirstQtr.Cells(1,1))
With qtQtrResults
    .WebSingleBlockTextImport = True
End With

Applies to | QueryTable Object