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TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers Property [Excel 2003 VBA Language Reference]

True for Microsoft Excel to treat numbers imported as text that begin with a "-" symbol as a negative symbol. False for Excel to treat numbers imported as text that begin with a "-" symbol as text. Read/write Boolean.


expression Required. An expression that returns one of the objects in the Applies To list.


In this example, Microsoft Excel determines the setting for cell A1, treating numbers imported as text that begin with a "-" symbol. This example assumes a QueryTable object exists on the active worksheet.

Sub CheckQueryTableSetting()

    ' Determine setting for TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers
    If Range("A1").QueryTable.TextFileTrailingMinusNumbers = True Then
        MsgBox "Numbers imported as text that begin with a '-' symbol " & _
            "will be treated as a negative symbol."
        MsgBox "Numbers imported as text that begin with a '-' symbol " & _
            "will not be treated as a negative symbol."
    End If

End Sub

Applies to | QueryTable Object