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Internet Explorer Developer Channel

Welcome to Internet Explorer Developer Channel

Internet Explorer Developer Channel provides a sneak peek at Internet Explorer as it's being developed. It does not include all the features that will eventually exist in the next version of Internet Explorer. Features will be added and removed, and many bugs will be introduced, found, and resolved throughout development. Although these releases are designed to help developers understand the direction being taken during development, the Developer Channel releases are not stable versions of Internet Explorer. You should not target applications or websites to any of the Developer Channel releases. In the future, we will release a stable "beta" testing version of IE as development progresses.

What's in Internet Explorer Developer Channel?

WebDriver API

WebDriver is a testing framework for developing complex user scenarios and running them in an automated fashion. WebDriver requires separate installation.

F12 Improvements

Lots of small things and a few big things, ranging from tweaks and improvements in the overall user interface to new features like asynchronous callstack tracing in the Debugger and the ability to import and export sessions in the UI Responsiveness and Memory tools.

WebGL Improvements

The WebGL renderer in Internet Explorer Developer Channel has been updated with improved performance and more feature support. The WebGL renderer now supports triangle fans, instancing when uploading geometries, and a number of GLSL conformance improvements for a Khronos WebGL test suite score of 97%.

GamePad API

The emerging W3C standard, Gamepad API lets you use JavaScript to add gamepad support to your web apps and games. Read our GamePad API reference and you can try it out by attaching your Xbox 360 controller and helping the world Escape from XP.

Where do I get Internet Explorer Developer Channel?

The Developer Channel is available for download for both Windows 8.1 and Windows 7 SP1 customers running Internet Explorer 11.

For more information on Internet Explorer Developer Channel

Visit the Internet Explorer Developer Channel FAQ.

Download Internet Explorer Developer Channel for Windows 8.1

Download Internet Explorer Developer Channel for Windows 7 SP1