編譯器錯誤 CS0165

使用未指派的區域變數 'name'

C# 編譯器不允許使用未初始化的變數。 如果編譯器偵測到使用可能尚未初始化之變數的情形,就會產生編譯器錯誤 CS0165。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱欄位。 即使您的特定程式碼不會導致使用未指派變數的建構,但當編譯器遇到此種建構時,就會產生這個錯誤。 這會避免明確設定的過度複雜規則。

如需詳細資訊,請參閱為何遞迴 Lambda 造成明確指派錯誤? \(英文\)。

範例 1

下列範例會產生 CS0165:

// CS0165.cs  
using System;  
class MyClass  
    public int i;  
class MyClass2  
    public static void Main(string[] args)  
        // i and j are not initialized.  
        int i, j;  
        // You can provide a value for args[0] in the 'Command line arguments'  
        // text box on the Debug tab of the project Properties window.  
        if (args[0] == "test")  
            i = 0;  
        // If the following else clause is absent, i might not be  
        // initialized.  
        //    i = 1;  
        // Because i might not have been initialized, the following
        // line causes CS0165.  
        j = i;  
        // To resolve the error, uncomment the else clause of the previous  
        // if statement, or initialize i when you declare it.  
        // The following example causes CS0165 because myInstance is  
        // declared but not instantiated.  
        MyClass myInstance;  
        // The following line causes the error.  
        myInstance.i = 0;
        // To resolve the error, replace the previous declaration with  
        // the following line.  
        //MyClass myInstance = new MyClass();  

範例 2

編譯器錯誤 CS0165 可能會在遞迴委派定義中發生。 您可以藉由在兩個陳述式中定義委派的方式防止發生此錯誤,這樣一來,變數就不會在未初始化之前使用。 下列範例將示範此錯誤和解決方法。

class Program  
    delegate void Del();  
    static void Main(string[] args)  
        // The following line causes CS0165 because variable d is used
        // as an argument before it has been initialized.  
        Del d = delegate() { System.Console.WriteLine(d); };
        //// To resolve the error, initialize d in a separate statement.  
        //Del d = null;  
        //// After d is initialized, you can use it as an argument.  
        //d = delegate() { System.Console.WriteLine(d); };  
