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The Logging Application Block

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The Enterprise Library Logging Application Block simplifies the implementation of common logging functions. Developers can use the Logging Block to write information to a variety of locations:

  • The event log
  • An e-mail message
  • A database
  • A message queue
  • A text file
  • A Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event
  • Custom locations using application block extension points

The application block provides a consistent interface for logging information to any destination. Your application code does not specify the destination for the information. Configuration settings determine whether the application block writes the logging information and the location for that information. This means that operators as well as developers can modify logging behavior without changing application code.

The Logging Application Block helps with application development in a number of ways:

  • It helps maintain consistent logging practices, both within an application and across the enterprise.
  • It eases the learning curve for developers by using a consistent architectural model.
  • It provides implementations that you can use to solve common application logging tasks.
  • It is extensible, supporting custom implementations of components that format and write event information.

This section includes the following topics:

More Information

For more information, see the following patterns & practices guides: