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Search Service


This documentation is no longer available on MSDN. It is available as a CHM or PDF download. For the newest Geocoding, Imagery, Routing and Traffic services, see Bing Maps REST Services. 

The Bing Maps Search Service is comprised of classes and enumerations that allow you to parse a search query as well as return search results.

In This Section

The Bing Maps Search Service contains the following classes and enumerations.

Web Service Class

Class or Enumeration


SearchServiceClient Class 

Contains the methods used to make requests to the Search Service.

Note The web service class name may be different depending on the tool you use to generate the client proxy classes.

Bing Maps Search Service Classes and Enumerations

AvailableFilter Class

Contains properties identifying filters available for the search result.

BusinessSearchResult Class

Represents a search result from business listings. This class inherits from the SearchResultBase Class.

CategoryCount Class 

Contains properties that indicate the number of items in a specified category and the number of items in a specified category in specific neighborhoods.

CategorySpecificPropertySet Class

Contains a point of interest category name and properties specific to that category.

CommunityContentSearchResult Class

Represents a search result from community content listings. This class inherits from the SearchResultBase Class.

CompareOperator Enumeration

Contains operators that compare two values.

FilterValue Class

Represents a filter value ID and name.

ListingType Enumeration

Contains search result listing types, which specify the search source.

LocationData Class 

Contains geocoded locations as well as properties indicating the match code and match confidence of these locations.

Neighborhood Class

Represents a city neighborhood.

Parse Class

Contains a parsed search query.

PersonSearchResult Class

Represents a search result from people listings. This class inherits from the SearchResultBase Class.

QuerySuggestion Class

Contains a corrected query and a corrected separated query derived from a search request.

RangeFilter Class

Contains properties that specify a number range of allowable filter property values. This class inherits from the AvailableFilter Class.

SearchOptions Class

Contains properties used to refine a search service request.

SearchRegion Class

Contains a location or area that matches the 'where' component of the search query.

SearchRequest Class

Contains the properties needed to make a SearchServiceClient.Search Method service request. This class inherits from the RequestBase Class.

SearchResponse Class

Contains the results returned by the Search Service. This class inherits from the ResponseBase Class.

SearchResultBase Class

Contains properties that define a search result returned by the Search Service.

SearchResultSet Class

Contains a set of search results as well as other properties that describe the search that was performed.

SortOrder Enumeration 

Contains values that specify how to order items.

StructuredSearchQuery Class

Contains properties that represent the 'what' and 'where' components of a search query.

ValueListFilter Class

Represents a search filter with a fixed set of valid values. This class inherits from the AvailableFilter Class.

See Also

Common Classes and Enumerations