LINQ to SQL 中的序列化

本文将介绍 LINQ to SQL 的序列化功能。 下面几段提供了有关在设计时如何在代码生成期间添加序列化以及 LINQ to SQL 类的运行时序列化行为的信息。


  • 在对象关系设计器中,将“序列化模式”属性更改为“单向”。

  • 在 SQLMetal 命令行中,添加 /serialization 选项。 有关详细信息,请参阅 SqlMetal.exe(代码生成工具)


默认情况下,由 LINQ to SQL 生成的代码提供延迟加载功能。 延迟加载对在中间层以透明方式根据需要加载数据而言非常方便。 但是,它会给序列化过程带来问题,原因是不论是否需要进行延迟加载,序列化程序都会触发延迟加载。 实际上,对对象进行序列化时,会对其在所有出站延迟加载引用下的可传递闭包进行序列化。

LINQ to SQL 的序列化功能主要通过以下两种机制来解决此问题:


  • DataContract 序列化程序:.NET Framework 3.0 或更高版本的 Windows Communication Framework (WCF) 组件使用的默认序列化程序。

  • 单向序列化:只包含单向关联属性(为避免出现循环)的类的已序列化版本。 按照约定,主键-外键关系的父级端的属性标记为序列化。 双向关联中的另一端不进行序列化。

    单向序列化是 LINQ to SQL 支持的唯一序列化类型。


下面的代码使用 Northwind 示例数据库中的传统 CustomerOrder 类,并演示了如何用序列化属性修饰这些类。

// The class is decorated with the DataContract attribute.
public partial class Customer : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
' The class is decorated with the DataContract attribute.
<Table(Name:="dbo.Customers"),  _
 DataContract()>  _
Partial Public Class Customer
    Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
// Private fields are not decorated with any attributes, and are
// elided.
private string _CustomerID;

// Public properties are decorated with the DataMember
// attribute and the Order property specifying the serial
// number. See the Order class later in this topic for
// exceptions.
public Customer()

[Column(Storage="_CustomerID", DbType="NChar(5) NOT NULL", CanBeNull=false, IsPrimaryKey=true)]
public string CustomerID
        return this._CustomerID;
        if ((this._CustomerID != value))
            this._CustomerID = value;
' Private fields are not decorated with any attributes,
' and are elided.
Private _CustomerID As String

' Public properties are decorated with the DataMember
' attribute and the Order property specifying the
' serial number. See the Order class later in this topic
' for exceptions
<Column(Storage:="_CustomerID", DbType:="NChar(5) NOT NULL", CanBeNull:=false, IsPrimaryKey:=true),  _
 DataMember(Order:=1)>  _
Public Property CustomerID() As String
        Return Me._CustomerID
    End Get
        If ((Me._CustomerID = value)  _
                    = false) Then
            Me._CustomerID = value
        End If
    End Set
End Property
// The following Association property is decorated with
// DataMember because it is the parent side of the
// relationship. The reverse property in the Order class
// does not have a DataMember attribute. This factor
// prevents a 'cycle.'
[Association(Name="FK_Orders_Customers", Storage="_Orders", OtherKey="CustomerID", DeleteRule="NO ACTION")]
public EntitySet<Order> Orders
        return this._Orders;
   ' The following Association property is decorated with
   ' DataMember because it is the parent side of the
   ' relationship. The reverse property in the Order
   ' class does not have a DataMember attribute. This
   ' factor prevents a 'cycle.'
   <Association(Name:="FK_Orders_Customers", Storage:="_Orders", OtherKey:="CustomerID", DeleteRule:="NO ACTION"), _
 DataMember(Order:=13)> _
Public Property Orders() As EntitySet(Of [Order])
           Return Me._Orders
       End Get
       Set(ByVal value As EntitySet(Of [Order]))
       End Set
   End Property

对于下例中的 Order 类,为简洁起见,只显示与 Customer 类对应的反向关联属性。 它没有用来避免出现循环的 DataMemberAttribute 属性。

// The class for the Orders table is also decorated with the
// DataContract attribute.
public partial class Order : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
' The class for the Orders table is also decorated with the
' DataContract attribute.
<Table(Name:="dbo.Orders"),  _
 DataContract()>  _
Partial Public Class [Order]
    Implements System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanging, System.ComponentModel.INotifyPropertyChanged
// Private fields for the Orders table are not decorated with
// any attributes, and are elided.
private int _OrderID;

// Public properties are decorated with the DataMember
// attribute.
// The reverse Association property on the side of the
// foreign key does not have the DataMember attribute.
[Association(Name = "FK_Orders_Customers", Storage = "_Customer", ThisKey = "CustomerID", IsForeignKey = true)]
public Customer Customer
' Private fields for the Orders table are not decorated with
' any attributes, and are elided.
Private _CustomerID As String

' Public properties are decorated with the DataMember
' attribute.
' The reverse Association property on the side of the
' foreign key does not have the DataMember attribute.
<Association(Name:="FK_Orders_Customers", Storage:="_Customer", ThisKey:="CustomerID", IsForeignKey:=true)>  _
Public Property Customer() As Customer



Northwnd db = new Northwnd(@"c\northwnd.mdf");

Customer cust = db.Customers.Where(c => c.CustomerID ==

DataContractSerializer dcs =
    new DataContractSerializer(typeof(Customer));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(sb);
dcs.WriteObject(writer, cust);
string xml = sb.ToString();
Dim db As New Northwnd("...")

Dim cust = (From c In db.Customers _
            Where c.CustomerID = "ALFKI").Single

Dim dcs As New DataContractSerializer(GetType(Customer))

Dim sb As StringBuilder = New StringBuilder()
Dim writer As XmlWriter = XmlWriter.Create(sb)
dcs.WriteObject(writer, cust)
Dim xml As String = sb.ToString()


自递归关系遵循相同的模式。 与外键对应的关联属性 (Property) 不具有 DataMemberAttribute 属性 (Attribute),而父属性 (Property) 则具有。

请考虑以下具有两个自递归关系的类:Employee.Manager/Reports 和 Employee.Mentor/Mentees。

// No DataMember attribute.
public Employee Manager;
[DataMember(Order = 3)]
public EntitySet<Employee> Reports;

// No DataMember
public Employee Mentor;
[DataMember(Order = 5)]
public EntitySet<Employee> Mentees;
' No DataMember attribute
Public Manager As Employee
<DataMember(Order:=3)> _
Public Reports As EntitySet(Of Employee)

' No DataMember attribute
Public Mentor As Employee
<DataMember(Order:=5)> _
Public Mentees As EntitySet(Of Employee)
