List Alert Rule Incidents


The List Alert Rule Incidents operation retrieves information about active and resolved alert rules.


To obtain the incidents that are associated with the subscription, the List Alert Rule Incidents request may specified as follows. Replace <subscription-id> with the subscription ID, and if you want to obtain incidents that are associated with a specific alert rule, replace <rule-id> with the identifier of the alert rule. You can obtain the identifier of an alert rule by using List Alert Rules.


Request URI

GET<subscription-id>/services/monitoring/alertincidents HYPERLINK ""

GET<subscription-id>/services/monitoring/alertrules/<rule-id>/alertincidents HYPERLINK ""

You must make sure that the request that is made to the management service is secure. For additional details, see Authenticating Service Management Requests.

URI Parameters


Request URI

$filter=IsActive eq true

Required when obtaining incidents that are associated with a subscription. Optional when obtaining incidents that are associated with a specific alert rule. This parameter can be used to specify that all active incidents of a subscription be returned, or to specify that the active incident of a specific alert rule be returned. If this parameter is not used for a specific alert rule, the resolved incidents are returned for the alert rule.

Request Headers

The following table describes the request headers.

Request Header



Required. Set this header to application/json.


Required. Specifies the version of the operation to use for this request. This header must be set to 2013-10-01 or higher. For more information about versioning headers, see Service Management Versioning.

Request Body


Response Body

The format of the response body is as follows:

      "Id": "<identifier-of-alert-rule-incident>",
      "RuleId": "<identifier-of-alert-rule>",
      "IsActive": "<status-of-alert-rule-incident>",
      "ActivatedTime": "<time-of-alert-rule-activation>",
      "ResolvedTime": "<time-of-alert-rule-resolution>",

The following table describes the elements of the response body.

Element Name



Specifies the identifier for the alert rule incident.


Specifies the identifier of the alert rule.


Indicates whether the alert rule incident is active.

Possible values are:

  • true

  • false

  • null

This value is null if the alert rule incident is resolved.


Specifies the time that the alert rule incident was activated.


Specifies the time that the alert rule incident was resolved. This value can be null if the alert rule incident is active.


You can also use the classic portal to see the alert rules that are defined. For more information, see How to: Receive Alert Notifications and Manage Alert Rules in Azure.