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Windows Media Player 11 SDK Adding Metadata to Converted FilesĀ 

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Adding Metadata to Converted Files

Converted files must contain certain metadata to ensure a good user experience. At a minimum, converted files must contain the primary attributes listed in the Windows Media Metadata Usage Guidelines.

For music files, set the value for WM/MediaClassPrimaryID to D1607DBC-E323-4BE2-86A1-48A42A28441E.

For voice-mail files, set the value for WM/MediaClassPrimaryID to 01CD0F29-DA4E-4157-897B-6275D50C4F11, which is the primary class GUID for audio files. Set the value for WM/MediaClassSecondaryID to 193c8824-4d52-4178-90bd-305240b04636.

For voice notes, set the value for WM/MediaClassPrimaryID to 01CD0F29-DA4E-4157-897B-6275D50C4F11. Set the value for WM/MediaClassSecondaryID to 3A172A13-2BD9-4831-835B-114F6A95943F.

Set the value for WM/ContentDistributor to the key name for the music service that provided the content.

Set the value for WM/UniqueFileIdentifier to the content ID. This will enable you to retrieve specific content items at a future time.

Set a value for WM/WMShadowFileSourceFileType.

For protected content, use the Windows Media Format SDK to set the DRM_DRMHeader_ContentID attribute to the content ID.

For protected content, set a value for WM/WMShadowFileSourceDRMType.

See Also

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