

Returns the root file path to the local storage resource.


STDAPI LocalResourceGetRootPath(__in LPLOCALRESOURCE plrc,__out_ecount(cchDest) LPTSTR pszDest,__in size_t cchDest,__out_opt size_t *pcchRequiredDestSize);


  • plrc
    Required. A pointer to the local store resource, returned from a call to the RoleEnvironmentGetLocalResource Function function.

  • pszDest
    Required. The buffer to write the file path of the local store resource.

  • cchDest
    Required. Maximum size of pszDest buffer.

  • pcchRequiredDestSize
    Optional. Contains the required size of the pszDest buffer if the current buffer is too small.

Return Value

Use the SUCCEEDED macro to determine whether a call to the LocalResourceGetRootPath function has succeeded or failed.

If the call fails due to the value of cchDest being too small, the LocalResourceGetRootPath function returns the ROLEMANAGER_E_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER constant.

For more information, see Return Codes.



Function Information

Header File


Import Library

<Azure SDK installation directory>\lib\x64\mswasr.lib

<Azure SDK installation directory>\lib\x86\mswasr.lib