The Microsoft journal for developers January 2013 VOL 28 NO 1
MSDN Magazine MSDN Magazine January 2013

Access Online Services with the Windows Runtime and OAuth

Whether managing data with XHR or authenticating to a remote service with the WebAuthenticationBroker, WinJS and Windows Runtime help you mash online services with your app.
Tim Kulp

Charles Petzold imageDirectX Factor: Windows 8 Sound Generation with XAudio2
Charles Petzold's new DirectX Factor column explores how XAudio2 offers sophisticated audio processing for Windows Store applications.
Charles Petzold


JavaScript - TypeScript: Making .NET Developers Comfortable with JavaScript

JavaScript:   TypeScript: Making .NET Developers Comfortable with JavaScript
TypeScript is a powerful, typed superset of JavaScript that presents developers with useful means for managing classes, modules and types. Learn how the open source TypeScript project broadens the appeal of JavaScript development.
Shayne Boyer

C# - The C# Memory Model in Theory and Practice, Part 2

C#:   The C# Memory Model in Theory and Practice, Part 2
In part two of a series, learn how the C# memory model is implemented on different architectures and is helpful for understanding the behavior of programs in the real world.
Igor Ostrovsky

ASP.NET - Building Hypermedia Web APIs with ASP.NET Web API

ASP.NET:   Building Hypermedia Web APIs with ASP.NET Web API
Learn why hypermedia is an interesting factor for achieving evolvability in Web API designs, and how it can be implemented in practice using ASP.NET Web API.
Pablo Cibraro

ALM Rangers - Version Control in the TFS Client Object Model

ALM Rangers:   Version Control in the TFS Client Object Model
Jeff Bramwell of the Visual Studio ALM Rangers explains how to use version control APIs in the Team Foundation Server client object model.
Jeff Bramwell


Don't Get Me Started
Lowering Higher Education, Again
A year ago, David Platt predicted that universities would get hammered by Internet-based alternatives. Looks like he was right.
David Platt

Cutting Edge
Essential Facebook Programming: Building a Windows Client
Continuing his series, Dino Esposito builds a WPF client app that uses the Facebook API to authenticate users and post updates.
Dino Esposito

Windows with C++
The Evolution of Threads and I/O in Windows
Explore the evolution of threading in Windows and C++ to understand the threading capabilities in your programs and work with concurrency building blocks.
Kenny Kerr

Data Points
Shrink EF Models with DDD Bounded Contexts
Applying a concept from domain-driven design—Bounded Context—can help you build a targeted model with Entity Framework.
Julie Lerman

Windows Azure Insider
Windows Azure Web Sites: Quick-and-Easy Hosting as a Service
Windows Azure Web Sites simplifies the deployment, management, and scalability tasks associated with hosting cloud applications.
Bruno Terkaly
Ricardo Villalobos

Test Run
Artificial Immune Systems for Intrusion Detection
Explore how artificial immune systems can model the behavior of the human immune system to detect harmful network packets.
James McCaffrey

The Working Programmer
.NET Collections: Getting Started with C5
Ted Neward explores the Copenhagen Comprehensive Collection Classes for C#, which he deems a worthy complement to System.Collections.Generic.
Ted Neward

Editor's Note
The X Factor
Charles Petzold rebrands his ongoing column to explore DirectX and the world of native development in Windows Runtime.
Michael Desmond

Online-only Features

Patterns in Practice - Adding Functionality to an Object

Patterns in Practice   Adding Functionality to an Object
For his first Patterns in Practice column, Peter Vogel looks at a problem that requires the client to dynamically add permitted functionality to an object as needed.
Peter Vogel

SQL Server - Data Quality Testing Using SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services

SQL Server:   Data Quality Testing Using SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services
SQL Server 2012 Data Quality Services isn’t just for data stewards. Find out how this tool can help your IT team improve the data quality of your data-centric projects.
Gunjan Jain

Kinect - Listening with Kinect

Kinect:   Listening with Kinect
Explore how speech recognition works in Kinect for Windows applications.
Leland Holmquest

Read the latest how-to articles and guidance focused on cross-browser JavaScript, HTML and CSS development

ScriptJunkie Articles

HTML5 Threading with Web Workers and Data Storage with IndexedDB
HTML5 Video and History: Features Users Can Really See
Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse with HTML5 and SVG, Part 4: Dynamic SVG and Path Animation