LongListSelector Fields

Include Protected Members
Include Inherited Members

[ This article is for Windows Phone 8 developers. If you’re developing for Windows 10, see the latest documentation. ]

The LongListSelector type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
GridCellSizeProperty Identifies the GridCellSize dependency property.
GroupFooterTemplateProperty Identifies the GroupFooterTemplate dependency property.
GroupHeaderTemplateProperty Identifies the GroupHeaderTemplate dependency property.
HideEmptyGroupsProperty Identifies the HideEmptyGroups dependency property.
IsGroupingEnabledProperty Identifies the IsGroupingEnabled dependency property.
ItemsSourceProperty Identifies the ItemsSource dependency property.
ItemTemplateProperty Identifies the ItemTemplate dependency property.
JumpListStyleProperty Identifies the JumpListStyle dependency property.
ListFooterProperty Identifies the ListFooter dependency property.
ListFooterTemplateProperty Identifies the ListFooterTemplate dependency property.
ListHeaderProperty Identifies the ListHeader dependency property.
ListHeaderTemplateProperty Identifies the ListHeaderTemplate dependency property.


See Also


LongListSelector Class

Microsoft.Phone.Controls Namespace