"Intellipad" Modes Overview ("Intellipad")

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The code name “Intellipad” tool enables language-specific support for buffers through buffer modes. Modes isolate extension components allowing different behavior when editing buffers that have different content types. For a description of modes available in “Intellipad”, see "Intellipad" Modes ("Intellipad").

Setting the Mode

When a buffer is opened, “Intellipad” attempts to associate the file with a mode to provide features like syntax highlighting, additional menu items, semantic completion and any other features. The way this default mode is determined depends on the buffer and its source. For example, when loading file buffers, the file extension is used. An HTTP buffer source might use the MIME-type to determine the mode.

A label at the upper right corner of each buffer view indicates the current mode of the file in that buffer view. You can change the mode of the active view window by clicking the label and choosing another mode from the drop-down menu. You can also change the mode by using the SetMode function of the mini-buffer.