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Player6.KeyDown (deprecated)

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This page documents a feature of the Windows Media Player 6.4 ActiveX control. We recommend that you migrate your content to use the Windows Media Player 9 Series ActiveX control. For more information about the Windows Media Player 9 Series ActiveX control, see the Windows Media Player 9 Series SDK.

This event occurs when the user presses a key.



<SCRIPT FOR="MediaPlayer" 
        EVENT="KeyDown(iKeyCode, iShiftState)" 
    <!-- insert script commands -->


Sub MediaPlayer_KeyDown(iKeyCode, iShiftState)
    <!-- insert script commands -->
End Sub


*  iKeyCode*

Integer value specifying a key code, such as vbKeyF1 (the F1 key) or vbKeyHome (the HOME key). To specify key codes, see the Microsoft Visual Basic documentation.

*  iShiftState*

Integer value specifying a bit field with bits corresponding to the SHIFT key (bit 0), the CTRL key (bit 1), and the ALT key (bit 2). These bits correspond to the values 1, 2, and 4, respectively. Some, all, or none of the bits can be set, indicating that some, all, or none of the keys are pressed.


If the value of the SendKeyboardEvents property is true, this event occurs when the Windows Media Player control has focus and the user presses a key. If SendKeyboardEvents is false, this event does not occur.


Version: Windows Media Player version 6.4.

Library: Use msdxm.ocx.

Platform: Windows 98 Second Edition or higher.

See Also