Windows 7 Text Input Panel

About This Video
This video explores the Text Input Panel (TIP) in Windows 7. It describes the capabilities of the TIP and teaches you how to optimize your applications using built-in TIP functionality. You will also learn how to recognize when the TIP will not come up automatically in your application and how to bring it up programmatically in those scenarios when text entry is required.


Speaker's Bio


Todd Landstad
Todd Landstad works on the Microsoft Windows PC Ecosystem team engaging software developer partners with a focus on Touch and Accessibility features. Todd joined Microsoft in 1995 and has gained a strong customer and developer perspective by working on a variety of Microsoft products in test, development, evangelism, and program management roles. Todd earned a B.S. in Computer Science from the University of British Columbia, Canada.

Length: 08 minutes 31 seconds



Video:WMV | MP4 | WMV (ZIP)