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AnimationEffect Enum


Specifies an animation.

public enum class AnimationEffect
/// [Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationMetricsContract, 65536)]
enum class AnimationEffect
[Windows.Foundation.Metadata.ContractVersion(typeof(Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationMetricsContract), 65536)]
public enum AnimationEffect
var value = Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationEffect.expand
Public Enum AnimationEffect

Windows requirements

Device family
Windows Desktop Extension SDK (introduced in 10.0.10240.0)
API contract
Windows.UI.Core.AnimationMetrics.AnimationMetricsContract (introduced in v1.0)


AddToGrid 7

An object is added to a collection that is arranged in a grid.

AddToList 5

An object is added to a list.

AddToSearchGrid 9

An object is added to search results that are arranged in a grid.

AddToSearchList 11

An object is added to a vertically arranged list of search results.

Collapse 1

An object decreases in size to hide content.

CrossFade 33

One item is faded out as another fades in its place.

DeleteFromGrid 8

An object is removed from a collection that is arranged in a grid.

DeleteFromList 6

An object is removed from a list.

DeleteFromSearchGrid 10

An object is removed from search results that are arranged in a grid.

DeleteFromSearchList 12

An object is removed from a vertically arranged list of search results.

DragBetweenEnter 26

A drag source has moved between two items.

DragBetweenLeave 27

A drag source is no longer between two items.

DragSourceEnd 22

The user has stopped dragging an item.

DragSourceStart 21

The user has begun dragging an item.

EnterPage 31

A page of content is brought in to the display.

Expand 0

An object increases in size to reveal additional content.

FadeIn 3

A contextual control fades in.

FadeOut 4

A contextual control fades out.

Hide 25

UI collapses around a tapped or clicked target.

HideEdgeUI 15

UI displayed at the edge of the screen is removed.

HidePanel 16

A section of content is removed from the screen.

HidePopup 18

A pop-up control is removed from the screen.

Peek 34

Contents of a tile move up or down to show a part of the tile that is normally hidden.

PointerDown 19

The pointing device (such as a mouse or touch) has engaged on an item.

PointerUp 20

The pointing device (such as a mouse or touch) has disengaged from an item.

Reposition 2

An object changes position. No more specific animation applies.

Reveal 24

UI expands around a tapped or clicked target.

ShowEdgeUI 13

UI is brought in from the edge of the screen.

ShowPanel 14

A section of content appears on the screen.

ShowPopup 17

A pop-up control appears on the screen.

SwipeDeselect 29

An object has been deselected through the swipe interaction.

SwipeReveal 30

Triggered by a press and hold on an item that can be cross-slide selected.

SwipeSelect 28

An object has been selected through the swipe interaction.

TransitionContent 23

Large-scale content replacement is occurring.

TransitionPage 32

One page is replaced by another page.

UpdateBadge 35

Update a tile's badge overlay.


The AnimationDescription constructor uses the values of this enumeration to specify the animation.

Applies to

See also