WebSvcLoginForms 名前空間

The LoginForms class is the primary class in the WebSvcLoginForms namespace. The LoginForms class includes methods that can log on and log off Project Server users by using Forms authentication.


In the ASMX web service, LoginForms is a class. In the WCF service, LoginForms is an interface that is implemented in the LoginFormsClient class. For information about using the LoginFormsClient class in a WCF-based application, see the LoginForms class constructor.

The WebSvcLoginForms namespace is an arbitrary name for a reference to the LoginForms.asmx web service in Project Server. The LoginForms class includes only the Login and Logoff methods.


A separate LoginForms.asmx file is included in each Project Web App virtual site in a SharePoint farm. WebSvcLoginForms is available only through Project Web App; it is not one of the services in the Project Server service application that is hosted on the SharePoint web Services site.

You can access WebSvcLoginForms with a URL such as the following:



Claims authentication handles logon and logoff with integrated Windows authentication. ASMX-based Project Server applications developed for multi-authentication environments must use the Login method in the WebSvcLoginWindows.LoginWindows class for Windows users.

For more information about developing ASMX-based applications in a multi-authentication environment, see Project 2013 での ASMX ベースのコード サンプルの前提条件.


  クラス 説明
パブリック クラス LoginForms Project Server でのフォーム認証のためのLoginとLogoffのメソッドが含まれます。