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Dictionaries.ActiveCustomDictionary Property

Word Developer Reference

Returns or sets a Dictionary object that represents the custom dictionary to which words will be added. Read/write.



expression   A variable that represents a Dictionaries collection.


This example displays the full path and file name of the active custom dictionary.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Set dicCustom = Application.CustomDictionaries.ActiveCustomDictionary
MsgBox dicCustom.Path & Application.PathSeparator & dicCustom.Name

This example clears all existing custom dictionaries, adds a custom dictionary named "Home.dic," and then loads the new dictionary.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Dim dicCustom As Dictionary


Set dicCustom = Application.CustomDictionaries _ .Add(FileName:="C:\Program Files" _ & "\Microsoft Office\Office\Home.dic") Application.CustomDictionaries.ActiveCustomDictionary = dicCustom

See Also