ID3D11ShaderTrace::GetStep method (d3d11shadertracing.h)

Retrieves information about the specified step in the trace.


  [in]  UINT             stepIndex,
  [out] D3D11_TRACE_STEP *pTraceStep


[in] stepIndex

The index of the step within the trace. The range of the index is [0...NumTraceSteps-1], where NumTraceSteps is a member of the D3D11_TRACE_STATS structure. You can retrieve information about a step in any step order.

[out] pTraceStep

A pointer to a D3D11_TRACE_STEP structure. GetStep fills the members of this structure with information about the trace step that is specified by the stepIndex parameter.

Return value

GetStep returns:

  • S_OK if the method retrieves the step information.
  • E_FAIL if a trace is not available.
  • E_INVALIDARG if stepIndex is out of range or if pTraceStep is NULL.
  • Possibly other error codes that are described in Direct3D 11 Return Codes.


This API requires the Windows Software Development Kit (SDK) for Windows 8.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows 8 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2012 [desktop apps | UWP apps]
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d11shadertracing.h
DLL D3D11SDKLayers.dll; D3D11_1SDKLayers.dll; D3D11_2SDKLayers.dll

See also
