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Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks Namespace


The Microsoft.VisualBasic.PowerPacks namespace contains classes for the Visual Basic Power Packs controls. Visual Basic Power Packs controls are additional Windows Forms controls. They were originally released as free add-ins and are now included in Visual Studio.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeater

Displays data in a customizable list format.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsCancelEventArgs

Provides data for the DeletingItems and UserDeletingItems events.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsEventArgs

Provides data for the ItemsAdded, ItemsRemoved, UserAddedItems, and UserDeletedItems events.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterDataErrorEventArgs

Provides data for the DataError event.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterItem

Used by the DataRepeater control to display data at run time.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterItemCloneEventArgs

Provides data for the ItemCloning event.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterItemEventArgs

Provides data for the DrawItem event.

System_CAPS_pubclass DataRepeaterItemValueEventArgs

Provides data for the ItemValueNeeded and ItemValuePushed events.

System_CAPS_pubclass LineShape

Represents a control displayed as a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line.

System_CAPS_pubclass OvalShape

Represents a control displayed as a circle or oval.

System_CAPS_pubclass RectangleShape

Represents a control displayed as a square, rectangle, rounded square, or rounded rectangle.

System_CAPS_pubclass Shape

Implements the basic functionality common to line and shape controls.

System_CAPS_pubclass ShapeCollection

Represents a collection of Shape objects.

System_CAPS_pubclass ShapeContainer

Provides a container for LineShape, OvalShape, RectangleShape controls, and for any other control that derives from Shape.

System_CAPS_pubclass SimpleShape

Implements the basic functionality that is common to OvalShape and RectangleShape controls.


Delegate Description
System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsCancelEventHandler

Represents the method that handles the DeletingItems and UserDeletingItems events.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataRepeaterAddRemoveItemsEventHandler

Represents the method that will handle the ItemsAdded, ItemsRemoved, UserAddedItems, and UserDeletedItems events.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataRepeaterDataErrorEventHandler

Represents the method that will handle the DataError event.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataRepeaterItemCloneEventHandler

Represents the method that will handle the ItemCloning event.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataRepeaterItemEventHandler

Represents the method that will handle the DrawItem event.

System_CAPS_pubdelegate DataRepeaterItemValueEventHandler

Represents the method that will handle the ItemValueNeeded and ItemValuePushed events.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum BackStyle

Specifies the background transparency for an OvalShape or RectangleShape control.

System_CAPS_pubenum DataRepeaterLayoutStyles

Provides an enumeration for specifying the orientation of items in a DataRepeater control.

System_CAPS_pubenum FillGradientStyle

Specifies the fill gradient style for an OvalShape or RectangleShape control.

System_CAPS_pubenum FillStyle

Specifies the fill gradient style for an OvalShape or RectangleShape control.


For more information, see Visual Basic Power Packs Controls.

See Also


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