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Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services Namespace

The Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services namespace provides various services that allow clients to control the data connection by creating a new connection, or by providing a custom connection UI control, or by taking other actions. Furthermore, clients can have access to the data object mappings between the data source–specific metadata objects and the generic metadata. Also, this namespace contains services that define the hierarchical relationships between nodes in the data view. Note that, in addition to services, there are several interfaces that represent entities implemented internally as classes in DDEX, like for instance the IVsDataExplorerNode.

As part of the DDEX architecture, services are designed to consume support entities, which are defined in the Microsoft.VisualStudio.Data.Services.SupportEntities namespace. For instance, the IVsDataConnectionDialog service uses the IVsDataConnectionUIControl support entity, which allows the addition of a custom UI control for connection properties.


  Class Description
DataConnectionMessageReceivedEventArgs Encapsulates the event data for the MessageReceived event for a data connection.
DataConnectionOpenCanceledException Represents the exception thrown when a data connection open call is canceled.
DataConnectionStateChangedEventArgs Encapsulates event data for the StateChanged event for a data connection.
DataExplorerNodeEventArgs Encapsulates the event data for the following events: NodeInserted, NodeChanged, NodeRemoving, and NodeExpandedOrRefreshed.
DataMappedObjectTypeAttribute Specifies that an interface or class represents a mapped object type. A mapped object type is an API that exposes a strongly-typed view of a particular underlying data source–specific object.
DataObjectAddedEventArgs Encapsulates event data for the ObjectAdded event.
DataObjectChangedEventArgs Encapsulates event data for the ObjectChanged event.
DataObjectDeletedEventArgs Encapsulates event data for the ObjectDeleted event.
DataObjectEventArgs Represents the base class for the following other classes that contain data object event data: DataObjectAddedEventArgs, DataObjectChangedEventArgs, and DataObjectDeletedEventArgs.
DataProtection Represents the ability to encrypt and decrypt strings by using the Windows Data Protection API (DPAPI).


  Interface Description
IVsDataConnection Represents the interface for a data connection.
IVsDataConnectionDialog Provides access to the Add Connection dialog box, with which you can obtain data connection information from users.
IVsDataConnectionDialogFactory Represents the interface that provides the ability to create an instance of the IVsDataConnectionDialog class.
IVsDataConnectionEvents Represents basic events for a data connection.
IVsDataConnectionFactory Provides the ability to create stand-alone instances of the IVsDataConnection class.
IVsDataConnectionManager Represents a shared set of data connection objects that are created on demand and managed by Visual Studio.
IVsDataExplorerChildNodeCollection Represents the collection of connection node objects in Server Explorer in Visual Studio.
IVsDataExplorerConnection Represents a connection that exists in the Visual Studio Server Explorer.
IVsDataExplorerConnectionManager Provides the ability to perform common tasks with data connections in Server Explorer, such as adding, removing, or finding a connection, among others.
IVsDataExplorerNode Represents any node in the Visual Studio Server Explorer that appears as a child to the Data Connections node.
IVsDataExplorerNodeSelection Represents a group of currently selected nodes in the Visual Studio Server Explorer, together with a set of properties and actions.
IVsDataMappedObject Represents a well-known concept for use by a generic designer.
IVsDataMappedObjectCallMapperConversionStep Represents a call mapper conversion step for a data object support mapped type.
IVsDataMappedObjectConversion Represents a conversion for a data object support mapped type and contains the conversion steps needed to convert a data source–specific object to a mapped object.
IVsDataMappedObjectConversionStep Represents a conversion step for a data object support mapped type.
IVsDataMappedObjectSelection Represents the Selection XML tag corresponding to this mapped type in the data object support XML file.
IVsDataMappedObjectSelector Represents a selector of mapped objects.
IVsDataMappedObjectSubstitutionValue Represents a substitution value for a data object support mapped type.
IVsDataMappedObjectType Represents a data object support mapped type, that is, the generic type that is converted from the underlying data source–specific types.
IVsDataMappedObjectTypeMember Represents a member of a data object support mapped type.
IVsDataObject Represents a data object.
IVsDataObjectChangeEvents Represents a set of events that are raised when data objects are added to, changed in, or deleted from a data source.
IVsDataObjectChangeEventsBroker Represents the ability to raise events when data objects are added, changed, or deleted on a data source.
IVsDataObjectCollection Represents a collection of data objects that are selected from an object store.
IVsDataObjectIdentifier Represents the identifier of a data object.
IVsDataObjectPropertyDictionary Represents the properties of a data object.
IVsDataObjectService Represents a service of a data object support type.
IVsDataObjectStore Represents a store, that is, a cache, of data source–specific data objects.
IVsDataObjectSupportModel Represents the model that describes data object support.
IVsDataObjectType Represents a data object support type that is data source specific.
IVsDataObjectTypeMember Represents a member of a data object support type.
IVsDataViewCommandInfo Encapsulates information that describes a command for a node in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewCommonNodeInfo Encapsulates properties that are common among different types of nodes; specifically, the connection node (IVsDataViewConnectionNodeInfo) and the static and selection nodes (IVsDataViewNodeInfo).
IVsDataViewConnectionNodeInfo Encapsulates properties for a connection node in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewDisplayNameInfo Encapsulates properties about the display name of a node in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewIconInfo Encapsulates properties of a node icon in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewInfo Provides information about a data view.
IVsDataViewMemberInfo Represents information about a member of a data view that is associated with a data connection in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewNodeInfo Encapsulates properties of a static or selection node in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewPropertyInfo Represents information about a node property in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewSelectionInfo Encapsulates properties of a selection of nodes in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewSelectionNodeInfo Encapsulates properties of a selection node in Server Explorer.
IVsDataViewSupportModel Represents the model that describes data view support.


  Delegate Description
DataConnectionDialogFilterCallback Represents the method that is called when data sources and providers are being filtered in the data connection dialog box.


  Enumeration Description
DataConnectionState Specifies the current state of the data connection.
DataObjectIdentifierFormat Specifies the type of formatting required for the data object identifier string value. The formatting of the identifier depends on its intended use.


Here are some examples of the above-mentioned services:

A sample of data connection–related services:





A sample of data object support–related services:




A sample of data view support–related services:
