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RequisitionPurchaseOrderGeneration::transferPriceFromPurchReqToPOForItemLine Method [AX 2012]

Returns true if the requisition line price information is to be copied over to purchase order line.

This is for specific requisition line of type item and without RFQs with highest status accepted


server private static boolean transferPriceFromPurchReqToPOForItemLine(
    PurchReqLine _purchReqLine, 
    PurchLine _purchLine, 
   [PurchReqSourcingPolicyRuleProvider _purchReqSourcingPolicyRuleProvider, 
    PurchRFQCaseLineProvider _purchRFQCaseLineProvider])

Run On



  • _purchLine
    Type: PurchLine Table
    A PurchLine record to evaluate trade agreements information.
  • _purchReqSourcingPolicyRuleProvider
    Type: PurchReqSourcingPolicyRuleProvider Class
    A PurchReqSourcingPolicyRuleProvider used to inject information about “Purchase order creation and demand consolidation” rule for unit tests.

Return Value

Type: boolean
true if the requisition line price information is to be copied over; otherwise, false.

See Also


RequisitionPurchaseOrderGeneration Class