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Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.Common Namespace


This namespace provides classes that specify the test action, test step, and configuration objects for testing the UI functionality of your application.


Class Description
System_CAPS_pubclass ActionList

Represents the list of actions in a UITest.

System_CAPS_pubclass AggregatedAction

Provides a base class for all actions that can complete any one of several tasks.

System_CAPS_pubclass AssertAction

Represents an assertion to be included in the test between other actions.

System_CAPS_pubclass BrowserAction

Represents a test action that can complete any one of several browser tasks.

System_CAPS_pubclass DelayAction

Specifies a time delay after subsequent actions in a user interface (UI) test are executed.

System_CAPS_pubclass DragAction

Represents a mouse drag action.

System_CAPS_pubclass DragDropAction

Represents a mouse drag-and-drop operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass EncryptionInformation

Represents information about the encryption of values for SendKeysAction and SetValueAction.

System_CAPS_pubclass ErrorAction

Represents an action that is used by the test recorder to report that it was unable to record an action.

System_CAPS_pubclass IESettings

Represents configuration settings for Internet Explorer.

System_CAPS_pubclass InputAction

Represents the base class for all text-based actions.

System_CAPS_pubclass InvokeAction

This class contains action related to invoke action.

System_CAPS_pubclass KeyboardAction

Represents individual keyboard user actions.

System_CAPS_pubclass LaunchApplicationAction

Represents a UI test action that launches an application.

System_CAPS_pubclass MarkerAction

Provides a way to insert markers in an action sequence that causes no operation during playback.

System_CAPS_pubclass MediaAction

Defines a Media action

System_CAPS_pubclass MouseAction

Represents information about a mouse operation.

System_CAPS_pubclass NavigateToUrlAction

Represents an operation to move to a URL.

System_CAPS_pubclass NoOperationAction

Represents a user interface (UI) test action that does nothing.

System_CAPS_pubclass RemoveKeysAction

Provides notice to aggregating test actions to remove this action and all previous matching key actions from the test results.

System_CAPS_pubclass SendKeysAction

Represents a test action that sends text or an array of keys.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetBaseAction

Provides a base class for those test actions that set value or set state.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetStateAction

Represents a test action that sets the state of the associated element.

System_CAPS_pubclass Setting

Represents a unit of configuration setting information.

System_CAPS_pubclass SettingGroup

System_CAPS_pubclass SettingMismatch

Represents the differences in the comparison of two Setting objects that have the same name.

System_CAPS_pubclass SetValueAction

Represents a test action that sets a value.

System_CAPS_pubclass SharedStepsReferenceAction

Provides a reference to a set of shared steps for the current test.

System_CAPS_pubclass StringAssertAction

Represents a string assertion.

System_CAPS_pubclass SystemAction

This class contains action related to system action.

System_CAPS_pubclass TestStepMarkerAction

Represents a marker in a test action sequence that is logged, but is not used by the playback framework.

System_CAPS_pubclass TouchAction

Contains information about touch actions.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITest

Represents a coded UI test in Visual Studio.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestAction

Provides a base class for test actions that are used with user interface (UI) tests.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestActionEventArgs

Provides event arguments for UITestAction events.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestActionExtension

A class that contains information related to the action.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestActionFilter

Contains methods and properties to aggregate similar action results into a single result.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestActionInvoker

Provides constructors and methods to start a specific UI test action.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestActionListEventArgs

Provides event arguments for events that are raised by T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.CodeGeneration.UITestActionListSection objects.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestEnvironment

Represents the stored configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestEnvironmentContainerBase<TChild>

Provides a base class for a UI test environment container class.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestErrorEventArgs

Provides event arguments for exceptions that are thrown when an error occurs when processing tests in the user interface (UI).

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestEventArgs

Represents the arguments for events while executing tests in the user interface (UI).

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestProgressEventArgs

Represents the event arguments for events that report the progress of a T:Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UITest.CodeGeneration.UITest.

System_CAPS_pubclass UITestWarningEventArgs

Provides event arguments for warning exceptions that occur during processing of a UITestAction.

System_CAPS_pubclass ValidationAction

Represents an action that validates a property value.

System_CAPS_pubclass VerifyConfigurationAction

Represents an action that verifies configuration.

System_CAPS_pubclass WarningAction

Represents an action that is used by the UI recorder to report that it was unable to record an action correctly.

System_CAPS_pubclass WebDialogAction

Represents an action that reports on a Web dialog box.


Interface Description
System_CAPS_pubinterface IUITestActionStack

This interface provides access for aggregator plug-ins to the action list of the UI test recorder.


Delegate Description
System_CAPS_pubdelegate CustomInvoker

Provides the ability to invoke custom actions.


Enumeration Description
System_CAPS_pubenum AssertCondition

Indicates how an assertion in a user interface test compares values.

System_CAPS_pubenum BrowserActionType

The actions supported by BrowserAction

System_CAPS_pubenum GestureType

System_CAPS_pubenum KeyActionType

Represents the kind of action to perform on a text input.

System_CAPS_pubenum ManipulationType

Manipulation type.

System_CAPS_pubenum MarkerDirections

Indicates the reason for a TestStepMarkerAction.

System_CAPS_pubenum MarkerRegionType

Indicates the scope of a TestStepMarkerAction.

System_CAPS_pubenum MismatchType

Indicates the type of mismatch for a SettingMismatch object.

System_CAPS_pubenum MouseActionType

Enumerates the types of possible mouse actions for the MouseAction.

System_CAPS_pubenum StringAssertCondition

Indicates the relationship between the expected value and the actual string value.

System_CAPS_pubenum UITestActionFilterCategory

Represents the categories for UITestActionFilter objects.

System_CAPS_pubenum UITestActionFilterType

Indicates the type of filter for a UITestActionFilter object.

System_CAPS_pubenum UITestActionListSection

System_CAPS_pubenum UITestErrorActionResult

Represents the error handling options that are available to exception handlers.

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