
Namespace: http://www.microsoft.com/performancepoint/scorecards

The Filter complex type specifies a filter.

 <xs:complexType name="Filter" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
   <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
     <xs:extension base="tns:FirstClassElement">
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="BeginPoints" type="tns:ArrayOfParameterDefinition"/>
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="DataSourceLocation" type="tns:RepositoryLocation"/>
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="CustomData" type="xs:string"/>
         <xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="EndPoints" type="tns:ArrayOfEndPoint"/>
       <xs:attribute name="SubTypeId" type="xs:string"/>
       <xs:attribute name="ReadOnly" type="xs:boolean" use="required"/>
       <xs:attribute name="SelectionMode" type="tns:FilterSelectionMode" use="required"/>
       <xs:attribute name="Visualization" type="xs:string"/>
       <xs:attribute name="RendererClassName" type="xs:string"/>

BeginPoints: Specifies the available connection sources to filter and set conditions for the display of other reports and scorecards. This element MUST be present, and the array MUST contain at least one ParameterDefinition complex type (section This element MUST conform to the schema of the ArrayOfParameterDefinition complex type (section

DataSourceLocation: Specifies the data source (1) for the selectable filter values. This element MUST be present. This element MUST conform to the schema of the RepositoryLocation complex type (section This element MUST contain the RepositoryLocation of a data source (1).

CustomData: Specifies custom data for the filter. This element MUST be present. If SubTypeId does not contain a custom value, CustomData MUST contain an empty string. If SubTypeId does contain a custom value, CustomData MAY be used depending on the implementation of the third-party filter. The specific content will be defined by the implementer of the custom filter.

EndPoints: Specifies available connections destinations for filtering and controlling the conditional visibility of the filter. This element MUST be present, and the array MUST be empty if the SubTypeId is not a custom value. This element MUST conform to the schema of the ArrayOfEndPoint complex type (section

SubTypeId: Specifies the identifier for the type of the filter. This attribute MUST be present. The value MUST NOT be empty. It MUST NOT be longer than 60 characters. It MUST NOT contain the characters ', ", or \. Each ParameterDefinition in the BeginPoints of the filter MUST have a CustomDefinition that is valid for the specified SubTypeId. If the filter is a third-party filter, the value MUST NOT be one of the values in the following table. Otherwise, the value of SubTypeId MUST be one of the values specified in the following table.




Specifies a filter that contains selections provided from a tabular data source (1).


Specifies a filter that contains selections provided by an MDX query.


Specifies a filter that contains selections provided by selecting members from a data source (1).


Specifies a filter that contains selections provided from a named set definition.


Specifies a filter that contains selections provided by a time intelligence mapped data source (1).


Specifies a filter that contains selections provided by a custom formula applied against a time intelligence mapped data source (1).

ReadOnly: This element is ignored if SubTypeId is "FixedValues", "MDXQuery", "MemberSelection", "NamedSets", "TimeIntelligence", or "TimeIntelligencePostFormula". It MAY be used by any other SubTypeId. This attribute MUST be present and MUST be TRUE if the filter is read-only; otherwise, this element is FALSE.

SelectionMode: Specifies the selection mode that the filter supports. The attribute MUST be present. The value MUST be one of the enumerated values specified in the FilterSelectionMode simple type (section

Visualization: Specifies the type of visualization for the filter. The attribute MUST be present. The value MUST be one of the following: "SingleSelectList", "SingleSelectTree",  "MultiSelectTree", "TimeIntelligenceCalendar", or "Custom".

RendererClassName: Specifies the fully qualified name for the assembly class that provides the rendering for the filter. This attribute MUST be present. If SubTypeId is "FixedValues", "MDXQuery", "MemberSelection", "NamedSets", "TimeIntelligence", or "TimeIntelligencePostFormula" the value MUST NOT be empty; otherwise, this element MUST be the assembly-qualified name of the custom type.