2.185 Attribute registeredAddress

This attribute specifies a mnemonic for an address associated with an object at a particular city location. The mnemonic is registered in the country/region in which the city is located and is used in the provision of the Public Telegram Service.

 cn: Registered-Address
 ldapDisplayName: registeredAddress
 omSyntax: 4
 isSingleValued: FALSE
 schemaIdGuid: bf967a10-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2
 systemOnly: FALSE
 searchFlags: 0
 rangeLower: 1
 rangeUpper: 4096
 attributeSecurityGuid: 77b5b886-944a-11d1-aebd-0000f80367c1
 mapiID: 33049

Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows 2000 Server operating system.