2.310 Attribute title

This attribute specifies the user's job title. This property is commonly used to indicate the formal job title, such as Senior Programmer, rather than occupational class, such as programmer. It is not typically used for suffix titles such as Esq. or DDS.

 cn: Title
 ldapDisplayName: title
 omSyntax: 64
 isSingleValued: TRUE
 schemaIdGuid: bf967a55-0de6-11d0-a285-00aa003049e2
 systemOnly: FALSE
 searchFlags: 0
 rangeLower: 1
 rangeUpper: 128
 attributeSecurityGuid: e48d0154-bcf8-11d1-8702-00c04fb96050
 mapiID: 14871

Version-Specific Behavior: First implemented on Windows 2000 Server operating system.