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RuleProperty Enum


Defines the properties that are available on a rule.

public enum class RuleProperty
public enum RuleProperty
Public Enum RuleProperty


ActionCategories 74

The Categories property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionCopyToFolder 75

The CopyToFolder property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionDelete 76

The Delete property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionForwardAsAttachmentToRecipients 77

The ForwardAsAttachmentToRecipients property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionForwardToRecipients 78

The ForwardToRecipients property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionImportance 79

The Importance property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionMarkAsRead 80

The MarkAsRead property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionMoveToFolder 81

The MoveToFolder property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionPermanentDelete 82

The PermanentDelete property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionRedirectToRecipients 83

The RedirectToRecipients property in a rule's set of actions.

Actions 4

The Actions property of a rule.

ActionSendSMSAlertToRecipients 84

The SendSMSAlertToRecipients property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionServerReplyWithMessage 85

The ServerReplyWithMessage property in a rule's set of actions.

ActionStopProcessingRules 86

The StopProcessingRules property in a rule's set of actions.

ConditionCategories 5

The Categories property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionContainsBodyStrings 6

The ContainsBodyStrings property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionContainsHeaderStrings 7

The ContainsHeaderStrings property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionContainsRecipientStrings 8

The ContainsRecipientStrings property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionContainsSenderStrings 9

The ContainsSenderStrings property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionContainsSubjectOrBodyStrings 10

The ContainsSubjectOrBodyStrings property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionContainsSubjectStrings 11

The ContainsSubjectStrings property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionFlaggedForAction 12

The FlaggedForAction property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionFromAddresses 13

The FromAddresses property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionFromConnectedAccounts 14

The FromConnectedAccounts property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionHasAttachments 15

The HasAttachments property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionImportance 16

The Importance property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsApprovalRequest 17

The IsApprovalRequest property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsAutomaticForward 18

The IsAutomaticForward property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsAutomaticReply 19

The IsAutomaticReply property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsEncrypted 20

The IsEncrypted property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsMeetingRequest 21

The IsMeetingRequest property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsMeetingResponse 22

The IsMeetingResponse property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsNonDeliveryReport 23

The IsNonDeliveryReport property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsPermissionControlled 24

The IsPermissionControlled property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsRead 25

The IsRead property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsReadReceipt 28

The IsReadReceipt property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsSigned 26

The IsSigned property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionIsVoicemail 27

The IsVoicemail property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionItemClasses 29

The ItemClasses property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionMessageClassifications 30

The MessageClassifications property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionNotSentToMe 31

The NotSentToMe property of a rule's set of conditions.

Conditions 89

The Conditions property of a rule. This field contains all conditions of the rule.

ConditionSensitivity 37

The Sensitivity property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionSentCcMe 32

The SentCcMe property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionSentOnlyToMe 33

The SentOnlyToMe property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionSentToAddresses 34

The SentToAddresses property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionSentToMe 35

The SentToMe property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionSentToOrCcMe 36

The SentToOrCcMe property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionWithinDateRange 38

The WithinDateRange property of a rule's set of conditions.

ConditionWithinSizeRange 39

The WithinSizeRange property of a rule's set of conditions.

DisplayName 1

The DisplayName property of a rule.

ExceptionCategories 40

The Categories property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionContainsBodyStrings 41

The ContainsBodyStrings property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionContainsHeaderStrings 42

The ContainsHeaderStrings property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionContainsRecipientStrings 43

The ContainsRecipientStrings property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionContainsSenderStrings 44

The ContainsSenderStrings property of rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionContainsSubjectOrBodyStrings 45

The ContainsSubjectOrBodyStrings property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionContainsSubjectStrings 46

The ContainsSubjectStrings property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionFlaggedForAction 47

The FlaggedForAction property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionFromAddresses 48

The FromAddresses property of a rule's set of erxceptions.

ExceptionFromConnectedAccounts 49

The FromConnectedAccounts property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionHasAttachments 50

The HasAttachments property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionImportance 51

The Importance property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsApprovalRequest 52

The IsApprovalRequest property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsAutomaticForward 53

The IsAutomaticForward property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsAutomaticReply 54

The IsAutomaticReply property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsEncrypted 55

The IsEncrypted property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsMeetingRequest 56

The IsMeetingRequest property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsMeetingResponse 57

The IsMeetingResponse property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsNonDeliveryReport 58

The IsNonDeliveryReport property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsPermissionControlled 59

The IsPermissionControlled property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsRead 60

The IsRead property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsSigned 61

The IsSigned property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionIsVoicemail 62

The IsVoicemail property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionItemClasses 63

The ItemClasses property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionMessageClassifications 64

The MessageClassifications property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionNotSentToMe 65

The NotSentToMe property of a rule's set of exceptions.

Exceptions 90

The Exceptions property of a rule. This field contains all the exceptions for the rule.

ExceptionSensitivity 71

The Sensitivity property of rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionSentCcMe 66

The SentCcMe property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionSentOnlyToMe 67

The SentOnlyToMe property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionSentToAddresses 68

The SentToAddresses property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionSentToMe 69

The SentToMe property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionSentToOrCcMe 70

The SentToOrCcMe property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionWithinDateRange 72

The WithinDateRange property of a rule's set of exceptions.

ExceptionWithinSizeRange 73

The WithinSizeRange property of a rule's set of exceptions.

IsEnabled 87

The IsEnabled property of a rule, which indicates whether the rule is enabled.

IsInError 88

The IsInError property of a rule, which indicates whether the rule is in error.

IsNotSupported 3

The IsNotSupported property of a rule.

Priority 2

The Priority property of a rule.

RuleId 0

The Id property of a Rule.

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