
Figure 1 SqlDataNavigator Control in Action

Figure 1 SqlDataNavigator Control in Action
Figure 3 InitializationGridComponent
  private void InitializeGridComponent() { // Default settings for pagination
                    m_grid.AllowCustomPaging = true; m_grid.AllowPaging = true; m_grid.PageSize = 1;
                    m_grid.Width = Width; m_grid.PagerStyle.Position = PagerPosition.Top; m_grid.PagerStyle.NextPageText
                    = "4"; m_grid.PagerStyle.PrevPageText = "3"; m_grid.PagerStyle.Font.Name
                    = "webdings"; m_grid.PagerStyle.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; m_grid.PagerStyle.ForeColor
                    = Color.Black; // Other visual default settings m_grid.BackColor = Color.White;
                    m_grid.BorderWidth = (Unit) 0; m_grid.ForeColor = Color.Black; m_grid.Font.Size
                    = FontUnit.Point(8); m_grid.Font.Name = "Verdana"; m_grid.CellSpacing
                    = 0; m_grid.CellPadding = 0; m_grid.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("#3022FF");
                    m_grid.HeaderStyle.ForeColor = Color.White; m_grid.FooterStyle.Font.Size = FontUnit.XXSmall;
                    m_grid.FooterStyle.ForeColor = Color.Red; m_grid.ShowFooter = false; m_grid.ShowHeader
                    = ShowHeader; // Columns #0 (template) m_grid.AutoGenerateColumns = false; TemplateColumn
                    tc = new TemplateColumn(); tc.ItemTemplate = new DataNavigatorItemTemplate(); tc.EditItemTemplate
                    = new DataNavigatorEditItemTemplate(); tc.HeaderStyle.BackColor = Color.FromName("#3022FF");
                    m_grid.Columns.Add(tc); // Column #1 (edit, hidden by default) EditCommandColumn
                    ecc = new EditCommandColumn(); ecc.Visible = false; ecc.HeaderStyle.Font.Bold =
                    true; ecc.HeaderStyle.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; ecc.HeaderStyle.ForeColor
                    = m_grid.ForeColor; ecc.HeaderStyle.BackColor = m_grid.BackColor; ecc.ItemStyle.Font.Bold
                    = true; ecc.ItemStyle.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; ecc.ItemStyle.ForeColor
                    = LabelForeColor; ecc.ItemStyle.BackColor = LabelBackColor; ecc.ItemStyle.Wrap =
                    false; ecc.UpdateText = "<br><br>Save"; ecc.CancelText = "<br><br>Cancel";
                    m_grid.Columns.Add(ecc); // Events m_grid.PageIndexChanged += new DataGridPageChangedEventHandler(OnPageIndexChanged);
                    m_grid.ItemCreated += new DataGridItemEventHandler(OnItemCreated); m_grid.CancelCommand
                    += new DataGridCommandEventHandler(OnCancelCommand); m_grid.UpdateCommand += new
                    DataGridCommandEventHandler(OnUpdateCommand); } 
Figure 4 AddToolbarButtons
  private void AddToolbarButtons(ControlCollection ctls) { // Add a separator
                    from the border or the last control in the // sequence ctls.Add(new LiteralControl("&nbsp;&nbsp;"));
                    LinkButton btn; // Add a the NEW linkbutton if (AllowInsert) { btn = new LinkButton();
                    btn.ForeColor = m_grid.PagerStyle.ForeColor; btn.Text = "à"; btn.Font.Name
                    = "Wingdings 2"; btn.Font.Bold = true; btn.ID = "_BWSLib_SDN_grid_btnNewRecord_";
                    btn.ToolTip = "Add a new record"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(OnInsertNewRecord);
                    ctls.Add(btn); // Add a separator ctls.Add(new LiteralControl("&nbsp;"));
                    } // Add a the EDIT linkbutton if (AllowEdit) { btn = new LinkButton(); btn.ForeColor
                    = m_grid.PagerStyle.ForeColor; btn.Text = "ç"; btn.Font.Name = "Wingdings
                    3"; btn.Font.Bold = true; btn.ID = "_BWSLib_SDN_grid_btnEditRecord_";
                    btn.ToolTip = "Edit current record"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(OnEditCurrentRecord);
                    ctls.Add(btn); // Add a separator ctls.Add(new LiteralControl("&nbsp;"));
                    } // Add a the DELETE linkbutton if (AllowDelete) { btn = new LinkButton(); btn.ForeColor
                    = m_grid.PagerStyle.ForeColor; btn.Text = "r"; btn.Font.Name = "Webdings";
                    btn.Font.Bold = true; btn.ID = "_BWSLib_SDN_grid_btnDeleteRecord_"; btn.ToolTip
                    = "Delete current record"; btn.Click += new EventHandler(OnDeleteCurrentRecord);
                    btn.Attributes["onclick"] = "return confirm('Do you really want to
                    delete the record?');"; ctls.Add(btn); } } 
Figure 5 Editing a Record

Figure 5 Editing a Record
Figure 6 Template Class
  class DataNavigatorEditItemTemplate : ITemplate { public void InstantiateIn(Control
                    container) { PlaceHolder ph = new PlaceHolder(); ph.DataBinding += new EventHandler(BindTableColumnsForEdit);
                    container.Controls.Add(ph); } void BindTableColumnsForEdit(Object sender, EventArgs
                    e) { PlaceHolder ph = (PlaceHolder) sender; DataGridItem container = (DataGridItem)
                    ph.NamingContainer; DbDataRecord dbdr = (DbDataRecord) container.DataItem; Table
                    t = new Table(); ••• ph.Controls.Add(t); } } 
Figure 7 DataBoundField
  [Serializable] // if not serializable can't go in // viewstate public class
                    DataBoundField // bound fields are rendered { public bool Visible; // Whether the
                    field should be // displayed public String FormatText; // How to format the text
                    public String LabelText; // Text to display to introduce the // field public bool
                    ReadOnly; // Whether the field is editable or // not public int MultiLineRows; //
                    Rows through which the (text) // field display public bool Required; // Whether
                    the field allows NULLs public String DefaultValue; // Text to use when insert a
                    new // record public ControlType CtlType; // Type of control used to display/ //
                    edit public String ToolTipText; // Tooltip for the field public BoolFormat BooleanText;
                    // How to render boolean data public String BoundField; // Name of the field to
                    bind public String TableName; // Name of the bound table public String DataTextField;
                    // Name of the field to use for // display public String DataValueField; // Name
                    of the field to use to join // Class Ctor(s) public DataBoundField() { SetDefaults();
                    } public DataBoundField(String bf, String t, String dtf, String dvf) { SetDefaults();
                    // DropDown CtlType = ControlType.DropDown; BoundField = bf; TableName = t; DataTextField
                    = dtf; DataValueField = dvf; } private void SetDefaults() { Visible = true; // display
                    the field FormatText = ""; // no special formatting CtlType = ControlType.TextBox;
                    // use textbox to edit ReadOnly = false; // editable MultiLineRows = 1; // no multi-line
                    LabelText = ""; // field name ToolTipText = ""; // field type
                    Required = false; // allows NULL DefaultValue = ""; // default value for
                    insertions BooleanText = BoolFormat.YesNo; // booleans as YesNo BoundField = "";
                    TableName = ""; DataTextField = ""; DataValueField = "";
                    } } 
Figure 9 UI of Record Being Edited

Figure 9 UI of Record Being Edited