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Figure 1 Singleton
  class Singleton
    private static Singleton singleton = null;
    public static Singleton Instance()
        if (null == singleton)
            singleton = new Singleton();
        return singleton;
    private Singleton()

Figure 2 Transfer Class
  class FileTransfer
    public virtual void Download(string url, byte[] data, int size)
        // download the requested resource
    public virtual void Upload(string url, byte[] data, int size)
        // upload the requested resource

Figure 3 Derive from FileTransfer
  // decorated file transfer
class Decorator : FileTransfer 
    private FileTransfer ft = new FileTransfer();
    private bool IsAccessAllowed(string url)
        bool result = true;
        // determine if access to the 
        // requested URL should be granted
        return result;
    private void LogAccess(string url)
        // log URL, time, user identity, etc.
        // to some database
        Console.WriteLine("Logging access to {0}", url);
    public override void Download(string url, byte[] data, int size)
        if (!IsAccessAllowed(url))
        ft.Download(url, data, size);
    // similarly for Upload()

Figure 4 LineClass Derives From Shape
  class Line : Shape
    private double x1, y1, x2, y2;
    public Line(double x1, double y1, 
                double x2, double y2)
        this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1;
        this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2;
    public void Draw()
        // draw a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)

Figure 5 Drawing Class
  class Drawing : Shape
    private ArrayList shapes;
    public Drawing()
        shapes = new ArrayList();
    public void Add(Shape s)
    public void Draw()
        IEnumerator enumerator = shapes.GetEnumerator();
        while (enumerator.MoveNext())
            ((Shape) enumerator.Current).Draw();

Figure 6 State Class
  abstract class State
    public virtual void AddNickel(VendingMachine vm)     
     { }
    public virtual void AddDime(VendingMachine vm)       
     { }
    public virtual void AddQuarter(VendingMachine vm)    
     { }
    protected virtual void ChangeState(VendingMachine vm, State s)

Figure 7 State Implementations
  class Start : State
    private static State state = new Start();
    private Start()
    public static State Instance()
        // singleton logic
        Console.WriteLine("Credit: 0c");
        return state;
    public override void AddNickel(VendingMachine vm)
        ChangeState(vm, Five.Instance());
    public override void AddDime(VendingMachine vm)
        ChangeState(vm, Ten.Instance());
    public override void AddQuarter(VendingMachine vm)
        vm.Vend();    // start over
class Five : State
    private static State state = new Five();
    private Five()
    public static State Instance()
        // singleton logic
        Console.WriteLine("Credit: 5c");
        return state;
    public override void AddNickel(VendingMachine vm)
        ChangeState(vm, Ten.Instance());
    public override void AddDime(VendingMachine vm)
        ChangeState(vm, Fifteen.Instance());
    public override void AddQuarter(VendingMachine vm)
        ChangeState(vm, Start.Instance());    
          // no change returned :-)

Figure 8 VendingMachine Class
  class VendingMachine
    private State state;
    public VendingMachine()
        Console.WriteLine("The Vending Machine is now online: product 
                          costs 25c");
        state = Start.Instance();
    public void ChangeState(State to)
        state = to;
    public void Vend()
        // deliver merchandise
        Console.WriteLine("Dispensing product...Thank you!");
    public void AddNickel()
    public void AddDime()
    public void AddQuarter()