VoipCallCoordinator.RequestNewOutgoingCall method

Notifies the system of a new outgoing call.


public void RequestNewOutgoingCall(
  string context, 
  string contactName, 
  string serviceName, 
  VoipCallMedia media, 
  out VoipPhoneCall call
Public Sub RequestNewOutgoingCall(
  context As String,  
  contactName As String,  
  serviceName As String,  
  media As VoipCallMedia,  
  <OutAttribute> ByRef call As VoipPhoneCall 
void RequestNewOutgoingCall(
  String^ context, 
  String^ contactName, 
  String^ serviceName, 
  VoipCallMedia media, 
  [OutAttribute] VoipPhoneCall^ call


  • context
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    A string that is passed to the associated foreground app as a deep link. The maximum length is 128 characters. This parameter must be non-null.

  • contactName
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    The name or ID of the caller which is displayed in the phone's minimized call UI. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • serviceName
    Type: System.String [.NET] | Platform::String [C++]

    The name of the VoIP service which is displayed in the phone's minimized call UI. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • media
    Type: VoipCallMedia

    The media types of the new outgoing call.

  • call (out parameter)
    Type: VoipPhoneCall

    The object representing the new outgoing call.


Minimum supported client

None supported

Minimum supported server

None supported

Minimum supported phone

Windows Phone 8


Windows.Phone.Networking.Voip Windows::Phone::Networking::Voip [C++]




ID_CAP_VOIP [Windows Phone]

See also
