DXGK_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure (dispmprt.h)

The DXGK_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure is used by the display port driver to request that the display miniport driver return all or a portion of a monitor's Extended Display Identification Data (EDID).


typedef struct _DXGK_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR {
  ULONG                                          DescriptorOffset;
  ULONG                                          DescriptorLength;
  _Field_size_bytes_DXGK_(DescriptorLength)PVOID DescriptorBuffer;



An integer that indicates an offset, in bytes, into the EDID. This member specifies the beginning of the requested data.


An integer that indicates the length, in bytes, of the buffer pointed to by DescriptorBuffer.


A pointer to a buffer that receives all or a portion of the monitor's EDID. This buffer is allocated by the display port driver and filled in by the display miniport driver. The display miniport driver must not write more than DescriptorLength bytes to this buffer.


The display port driver passes a DXGK_DEVICE_DESCRIPTOR structure to DxgkDdiQueryDeviceDescriptor to request that the display miniport driver return all or a portion of a monitor's EDID. The desired portion of the EDID is specified by the DescriptorOffset and DescriptorLength members. For example, to request 256 bytes, starting at an offset of 128 bytes into a monitor's EDID, the display port driver would set DescriptorOffset to 128, and DescriptorLength to 256.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Available in Windows Vista and later versions of the Windows operating systems.
Header dispmprt.h (include Dispmprt.h)

See also


