IPrintPipelineManagerControl::RequestShutdown method (filterpipeline.h)

The RequestShutdown method requests that a pipeline be shut down.


HRESULT RequestShutdown(
  [in] HRESULT       hrReason,
  [in] IImgErrorInfo *pReason


[in] hrReason

An HRESULT value that indicates the reason for the lack of memory.

[in] pReason

Not used. Set to NULL.

Return value

RequestShutdown returns an HRESULT value.


A filter that uses the IXpsDocumentConsumer interface must call IPrintPipelineManagerControl::RequestShutdown before it calls IXpsDocumentConsumer::CloseSender to shut down the pipeline. Calling IXpsDocumentConsumer::CloseSender first can produce an invalid XPS document and cause an error.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Desktop
Header filterpipeline.h